new rock garden


Dump more rocks in the woods and make some crazy stuff using that ditch and rocks and cut dead trees to telephone pole size.:D :Rockon: :tongue:
Its looking good. i hate that I had to work last weekend. Stupid co worker decides to hit himself in the eye with a log, so I had to cover his on call.

Post up next time you are going to be working out there.
How far is it from Newton?
so where is this place again??????

What city is it in and how far away from everyone is it??? How far from Raleigh or Greensboro??? Thanks:driver:
As you clear you trails , use the trees that you cut down as Posts . Save the Logs to take to a Saw mill and make a Exchange for all Rough Cut posts for some of the Lumber . You might find enough down tree to make posts . Sounds like a lot of work but its free!!! you can Saw mill with a Chain Saw but it is a lot of Work , but can be done .
Work Day

We are planning on working on the trails saturday Oct 14 if anyone wants to come help. We also would like input on more obstacles. This place is on Amity Church Rd in the residential section of Pumkin Center.
Somehow missed these updates..........I gotta work twelve hour days Fri-Sunday then get ready for the Autumn Thump coming up next weekend or I'd help out some this/next weekend. I've got a MF135 farm tractor if ya need me to help with it..........maybe "jbscout" would haul it down and back one Saturday/Sunday.
i'm there

i think i might come out check it out i live off of 150 on the north east of lincolnton. is it on the west side?
had a good work day


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