New show on A&E tonight


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2009
Kure Beach, NC
Everyone tune in tonight at 9pm just after the new Storage Wars episode. There is a new show premiering called Shipping Wars and my roommate is going to be on it. Almost none of you will know him but it's a local triad guy on tv. And A&E has been really pushing the show so they seem to think its going to be a hit. Hopefully it takes off and my buddy gets multiple seasons out of the deal. Thanks

and if anyone is around Winston we are having a get together at the fox and the hound to watch it tonight. :beer:

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absolutely nuthin, say it again!
Got the episode on DVD :D watching it now.

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So far looks like your pal is the chump of the show. I'm sure they make it worse than it is. What kind of money is A&E paying?
Yeah it's jarrett and it's better than I thought. The reality is nothing like it haha but they told him they were gonna make him the rookie. first season basically just pays your time, second season is "good money" they say and if it goes 3+ seasons, you don't have to worry about money. I don't know all the specifics but he's not complaining. The show is so much more funny when you know the back stories and what really happen.

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Your friend is literally the only likeable person on the show, besides the woman but she didn't really show up too much. I hope A&E set him up for that 1800 dollar loss.

That Roy guy is a grade A asshole, and mustache dude just talked crap the whole time but it never even showed him hauling anything. And that dude with the two boats....seriously?
I watched it. Was not impressed being in the trasportation industry. Would love to know the back story.
Yeah they are focusing on two peoples shipments each episode. So you'll see the others more next week. I don't know the full back stories of everyone, idk how much I'm suppose to know much less tell. But I'm sure you can imagine how much reality is really there. Tho all that stuff really did happen to my buddy. They just summed a lot of it up and made it easy to produce.

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OHHHHH GEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZEEEEE not another"reality" show filled w fabricated drama.Gold Rush has runined them all for me.:shaking:
GREENCHEROKEE!!!! :kaioken::kaioken::kaioken:


OHHHHH GEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZEEEEE not another"reality" show filled w fabricated drama.Gold Rush has runined them all for me.

I hear ya! I hate that show. I think I made it half way through the first episode.

I kinda liked the shipping wars, that is except for the mustache guy and the long haired guy. Glad to se the long hair guy lose on the phone booth, thought he got what he deserved.... but then again.... was any of it really true? Does a "experienced" driver really run out of fuel when his truck has a milage display? Sounds hokey to me....
A lot of it is real, the money is real, the stuff they are moving is real and the distances are real. Even my buddy being pulled over by a cop is real. Just stuff is shortened and details are left out so they can get it in the episode. It maybe the most realistic show on tv. Just some of the stuff they do to add a little tension is bs lol

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