News without spin (bias)?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Lexington, NC
Is there a source for news that you use that just reports the news? It seems that Fox News is very biased towards one side and CNN towards the other. Most of the news "stories" are just editorials anymore just saying what the writer thinks that what someone said means, instead of what actually happened.

I like to be informed of the news, but I can draw my own conclusions about what stuff means.

What do you listen to/ watch?
Had this conversation at work the other day. Supposedly the BBC is bias but I’m speaking second hand and I’ve never watched it. When Al Jazeera first started broadcasting in English they were supposed to be very bias but I couldn’t bring myself to watch it just out of principal. Something about getting my worldly news from the enemy seems messed up.
I like BreitBart, but Steve Bannon has turned into a horrific Trump Fawning outlet.

(For the record I support Trump very much, but it's obnoxious. Trump Eff's up a lot, and I don't like being fed sugar coated turds.)

TheDailyWire is good as well, Ben Shapiro runs it. And he's just awesome. YouTube his lectures, or even better his Q&A sessions. He's brutally truthful. His motto is 'Facts don't care about your Feelings'.
Ben Shapiro/Stephen Crowder puts out weekly podcasts that are pretty good(Youtube). Crowder is pretty damn hilarious to me and I watch him more so than Shapiro.
I rely on the commentary of my friends and their razor sharp political incite on FB. OH, and also on hollywood

Watch Fox and CNN. Then you get both sides. The truth will be somewhere in the middle.

That's pretty much what I was doing until I realized that neither is actually reporting what happened, just what someone said on Twitter and what it "could" mean.
no, it doesn't exist.
Hell national enquirer has better shit than most news stations these days... i gave up on news channels blocked em all on my tv except local one which seem to be concerned with damn cats stuck in chimneys or the fact that the police busted a guy with oz of pot but two blocks down from police station a meth lab has 100 visitors a night! I make my own news up now! is the news I read when I read the news... and it sometimes has dumb shit like all the other rarely tho, just a trend these days bc ppl don't care to actually investigate news like back in the day before click bait internet bs...
I find flipping back and forth between fox and cnn to be highly entertaining. Not very useful, but definitely entertaining. Now that we’re in the process of cutting cable I’ve got to figure something new out, unless I figure out how to get both again lol.

Stay away From Breitbart and the likes and you may find the facts.

I disagree with a lot on this chart. Fox is really just right leaning, cnn belongs in the "just no" category. Breitbart and conservative tribune should be in the "hyper partisan" category.
If I watched liberal news networks, I'd have a backyard full of smashed TV's.

And just for laughs, because MOST of the talking heads don't know a lick about guns.

depends on the topic. article about a local art fair? probably okay reporting. articles about sporting events? probably okay reporting. anything political whether it be the weather, dc, trump, left, right, middle forget about it.
I like BreitBart, but Steve Bannon has turned into a horrific Trump Fawning outlet.

(For the record I support Trump very much, but it's obnoxious. Trump Eff's up a lot, and I don't like being fed sugar coated turds.)

TheDailyWire is good as well, Ben Shapiro runs it. And he's just awesome. YouTube his lectures, or even better his Q&A sessions. He's brutally truthful. His motto is 'Facts don't care about your Feelings'.

Been Shapiro is a good speaker, but he isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
Drudge (russian site, but quite good at reporting facts and not opinionating it too badly)

and of course, infowars, duh.
Watch Fox and CNN. Then you get both sides. The truth will be somewhere in the middle.

I use a site called
AllSides | Balanced news via media bias ratings for an unbiased news perspective
They are an unbiased "supposedly" 3rd-psrty non-affiliated site that provides links to ALL the major sources... left, center, right - and provides all of them, updated in real time.
They have a complex rating algorithm that is based on empirical evaluations and feedback from a huge community base that rates all of the sources on their political leanings, and this is used to categorize the sources into streams.
So it tells you up front what is left-leaning, ultra right, etc.

Now, I'm guessing some of you will complain about the inaccuracy of their ratings, and the only response I have to that is... it's based on a whole lot of data that you have to trust washes out the opinions of individuals, and maybe it's your own opinion that is off of center of what is/is not "liberal etc.
Who the hell knows.

But at least overall it gives an opportunity to take news from many sources and draw YOUR OWN opinion.