News without spin (bias)?

I like OAN.........lately I like about 1/2 of Fox; I like Ralph Peters and Judge Jeanine makes me horny, I would kiss her on the mouth............ sometimes I look at msnbc for a few mins. when I want to laugh at idiots who believe what they're saying?
I just watch local news and either abc or cbs for national news. I cant stand any of the cable news outlets. I used to listen to some conservative radio but had to quit when trump got elected. Listening to Rush tell me what trump really meant when he said something moronic got to be more than I could bare.
I read it on the internet, I saw it on tv (fox, cnn,msmbc, bright bert, abs, sms, nbc)

It must be true!

<insert propaganda machine from every large country>

I use a site called
AllSides | Balanced news via media bias ratings for an unbiased news perspective
They are an unbiased "supposedly" 3rd-psrty non-affiliated site that provides links to ALL the major sources... left, center, right - and provides all of them, updated in real time.
They have a complex rating algorithm that is based on empirical evaluations and feedback from a huge community base that rates all of the sources on their political leanings, and this is used to categorize the sources into streams.
So it tells you up front what is left-leaning, ultra right, etc.

Now, I'm guessing some of you will complain about the inaccuracy of their ratings, and the only response I have to that is... it's based on a whole lot of data that you have to trust washes out the opinions of individuals, and maybe it's your own opinion that is off of center of what is/is not "liberal etc.
Who the hell knows.

But at least overall it gives an opportunity to take news from many sources and draw YOUR OWN opinion.

I've always said I wanted to design a site just like that. (Though I wouldn't be able to even begin)
I use a site called
AllSides | Balanced news via media bias ratings for an unbiased news perspective
They are an unbiased "supposedly" 3rd-psrty non-affiliated site that provides links to ALL the major sources... left, center, right - and provides all of them, updated in real time.
They have a complex rating algorithm that is based on empirical evaluations and feedback from a huge community base that rates all of the sources on their political leanings, and this is used to categorize the sources into streams.
So it tells you up front what is left-leaning, ultra right, etc.

Now, I'm guessing some of you will complain about the inaccuracy of their ratings, and the only response I have to that is... it's based on a whole lot of data that you have to trust washes out the opinions of individuals, and maybe it's your own opinion that is off of center of what is/is not "liberal etc.
Who the hell knows.

But at least overall it gives an opportunity to take news from many sources and draw YOUR OWN opinion.
I like that site. My only qualm is that they list fox as far right. I agree, its definitely right leaning, but thats neither here nor there. Thanks for tipping me off to that site.
I like that site. My only qualm is that they list fox as far right. I agree, its definitely right leaning, but thats neither here nor there. Thanks for tipping me off to that site.
They also list CNN as "central", which is hard to swallow.
The thing is, there really is no absolute objective "ground truth" here or a way to measure this correctly. It's really just a matter of what society agrees on the definitions as. So here it's based on mass consensus, which is about as good as you're going to get.
I view it as not "what really is biased" but "what does the majority of people believe to be biased".
Gotta ask here, what's wrong with bias?

As long as the FACTS are correct, I'd rather hear them discussed with a moral/political/economic/social understanding that is similar to my own. :)
As long as the FACTS are correct, I'd rather hear them discussed with a moral/political/economic/social understanding that is similar to my own.

Whose facts are we talking about here?

I mean, isn't that the whole point of dezinformatsiya?
Whose facts are we talking about here?

I mean, isn't that the whole point of dezinformatsiya?

Facts are facts, I want them honest and I want as many of them as I can get.

And so far, I've found that conservative news sources provide those far better than liberal ones. Especially during the Age of Trump/War on Trump.
Facts are facts, I want them honest and I want as many of them as I can get.

And so far, I've found that conservative news sources provide those far better than liberal ones. Especially during the Age of Trump/War on Trump.
I like your open minded perspective.

They are both moron's. Clearly it's a lowercase "g".

If the dude wasn't so much of an idiot and quit giving them so much ammunition they wouldn't have so much to talk about.

I admit they blow minor things out of proportion but the fact remains, the dudes an idiot and says stupid stuff.

I can't disagree with you on that. If he would stay off his Twitter account and stop insisting that everything he says is right and everyone else is a liar then the media won't have anything to troll. They will have to move on to the rest of his staff to troll like they did with Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her pecan pie. They really need to inform the media that their job is to cover news, not the baking prowess (or lack thereof) of the people they are supposed to be getting news from. Makes them sound like a bunch of teenagers instead of news reporters.
I agree.

I wish he'd think a little more before he tweets, because there is a lot of cringe worthy things he says. That being said, if someone insults or slanders him, I've no problem with him coming out on Twitter and calling them an asshole or insulting them back into their proper place. And sometimes he puts some comedy gold out there.

Trump is Rocky Balboa
I can't disagree with you on that. If he would stay off his Twitter account and stop insisting that everything he says is right and everyone else is a liar then the media won't have anything to troll. They will have to move on to the rest of his staff to troll like they did with Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her pecan pie. They really need to inform the media that their job is to cover news, not the baking prowess (or lack thereof) of the people they are supposed to be getting news from. Makes them sound like a bunch of teenagers instead of news reporters.
I'm sorry, but it's hard to take somebody seriously when they do things like tell all the reporters they have to first say something they are thankful for before she will answer their question (one of her other turkey day gimmicks).
If you treat the group like you're a kindergarten teacher, well then, they're just going to act like kindergarteners.
The Admin pretty much screwed their relationship with the press right out of the gate and have done little to improve the situation.

Also, the press core shouldn't be "getting their news" from Sanders. She is there just to state facts about what is going on within the Admin, and answer questions to clarify them. What makes it "news" is what she says and how they interpret it.
(the latter part being what so many people get in a tizzy about)
Speaking of Kindergartners... Personally I don't know how Sanders or Spencer refrained from walking into the field of reporters and smacking the crap out of Jim Acosta.
I can't disagree with you on that. If he would stay off his Twitter account and stop insisting that everything he says is right and everyone else is a liar then the media won't have anything to troll. They will have to move on to the rest of his staff to troll like they did with Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her pecan pie. They really need to inform the media that their job is to cover news, not the baking prowess (or lack thereof) of the people they are supposed to be getting news from. Makes them sound like a bunch of teenagers instead of news reporters.

Trump definitely needs to ease up on the Twitter crap. It is unprofessional. The president of the most powerful country in the world should not be bickering with a dingleberry like Lavar Ball.
The president of the most powerful country in the world should not be bickering with a dingleberry like Lavar Ball.
It begs the question of who the dingleberry is.

my dad used to say, "you shouldn't argue with an idiot, because people won't know the difference between you."