OHV New Trails Program.. (interesting) how to open OHV Trails in NC


silent.. but deadly
Mar 17, 2005
I'm reading it now. Had many experiences w/ grants.
But I thought I should point this out immediately:

When is the application deadline? February 28, 2007.

Application packages should be submitted electronically to your Regional Trails Specialist for review by February 9, 2007.

Um, that was last week.
Here's a link to the NC Trails site that has the starting info on it.

After looking through the info/ app, here's the skinny.
$750k has been set aside specifically for OHV trail projects. A seperate fund is for non-vehicle trails.
Of that, projects can propose a $25k minimum and $300k max budget.
Grants will cover only up to 80% of total cost, grantee must covert he rest. FWI this is common i nstate grants to ensure that the grantee is serious about teh endeavor and not just soem jackleg w/ a crazy idea and no backing.
And, yes, you have to file for reimbursement of your money as it is spent.

Granted to government and non-govermental agencies and NPOs. Does NOT say private individuals anywhere though... you have to have a TIN and/or NPO # etc.

It's really a shame we just found out about this. Honestly the application looks reasonable, like most state grant apps. If known 6 months ago, I think a reall ygood ,serious proposal could have been drawn up. I personally would have jumped in to work on it. Not that I know jack about ORV parks, just more about making sexy project proposals/grants.
I'd be curious to know how many electronic proposals have been sent in for review. Mayeb soem sweet talkin' could allow a late proposal review if the full thing coudl still be in on time (2 weeks)

Actually, I wonder if the DPG guys could take advantage of this?
or whats his nuts, can build a OHV park in central NC....

But the clubs, along with the rangers at URE (or tellico, or DPG) could get together and apply for 2008.

"! RTP funds may not be used to fund trail-planning documents"

That applies to the EIS for new trails (EIS's are expensive) and we may not be able to make new trails, but the existing ones better..
to keep this serious... can 'we' collectively form a NPO with the soul purpose of seeking out this type of grant money ?

edit- make this a non-club oriented thing... something like NCOHV.org something for everyone to focus on.. ? (The DPG would be good but the land owner would need to be onboard... Im always skeptical of private individuals in any matter, bailing out when it suits them.... Look at PAPs issues.. if they owned their land they wouldn't have an issue.. )

Have fundraisers/donations etc. to have working money ready so when this type of thing happens we can act on it?

Ratlab, im glad you said you knew what it all ment... I read it and was thinking... uhhhhh not sure what all this means..
Ya I did noticed it stated had to be gov't or NOn-profit..

I know CNC4x4 is a TRUE NON-Profit 501c3 registered with Gov't, so yes we would need to form a New non-profit to do this for next year..
Yager, I think that in all realtity it would be very possible to form such a NPO. I'm sure that what they want is something that is easily and cheaply available to the NC public - it IS, after all, funded by public money. They state in the app info that priority is given to private agencies over gov't agenecies, which would definitely be good for us.
My (limited) experience is that state programs smile most heavily on projects that affect and benefit the largest number of people.
One note - somewhere in there (can't remember where exactly) is DOES specifically state that $$ cannot be used for electronic distribution or something like that, which I assume to mean running a website. Not that running/hosting a website is all that expensive (relatively) these days.
I'd think that misc. fundraising/donatiosn etc to raise the otehr 20% would be very doable. Clearly the biggest hurdle logistically is dealing with the upfront cost issue. *who knows* how long it takes the state to reimburse...

You know, one good start would be to see if we can find out who got one of these last year (IF it was available), and look at the project. See what they (funder) likes etc.

And, yeah, if THIS makes your head spin, someday download the info for an NIH R01 or similar research grant mechanism. We have people here at the med center whos jobs are just to coordinate and help other people understand those damn things.
And, yes, you have to file for reimbursement of your money as it is spent.

I did a computer systems project for a non-profit agency in 2003, totaled about $47k. Their money came from a state-funded grant. I was eligible for payment as each defined phase of the project was completed and approved (from about $1000 to 12000). It took about four or five weeks for the state to cut a check once a payment request was submitted.

But, the good thing, I was able to work with both the non-profit and the agency that managed the grant, and submit requests for payment several weeks before a payment would be needed, so when that phase was complete and signed off, the check would be ready and it was just a day or two wait time for it to be released and mailed to me.

I'm just saying that it would be possible for the 'out of pocket' timeframe to be much shorter than it could be on expenses you'd be reimbursed for via the grant, with a little cooperation and pre-planning.