Here's a link to the NC Trails site that has the starting info on it.
After looking through the info/ app, here's the skinny.
$750k has been set aside specifically for OHV trail projects. A seperate fund is for non-vehicle trails.
Of that, projects can propose a $25k minimum and $300k max budget.
Grants will cover only up to 80% of total cost, grantee must covert he rest. FWI this is common i nstate grants to ensure that the grantee is serious about teh endeavor and not just soem jackleg w/ a crazy idea and no backing.
And, yes, you have to file for reimbursement of your money as it is spent.
Granted to government and non-govermental agencies and NPOs. Does NOT say private individuals anywhere though... you have to have a TIN and/or NPO # etc.
It's really a shame we just found out about this. Honestly the application looks reasonable, like most state grant apps. If known 6 months ago, I think a reall ygood ,serious proposal could have been drawn up. I personally would have jumped in to work on it. Not that I know jack about ORV parks, just more about making sexy project proposals/grants.
I'd be curious to know how many electronic proposals have been sent in for review. Mayeb soem sweet talkin' could allow a late proposal review if the full thing coudl still be in on time (2 weeks)
Actually, I wonder if the DPG guys could take advantage of this?