Open Invite! at the Flats - Nov 28

A group of us from Rock Corps had a work day today, doing our best to get the place ready for everyone to enjoy on our first open ride!

Lot of clearing of land, some pipe put in, brush burned, and the first wave of trail signs put up.

I think you all will be please with our efforts!
cool, I may have to ride up today. Is nany body going to be around?
Two big announcements for our open invite!

We have secured The world famous URE Hot Dog guy, Terry Moorefield, for concessions for the event! I heard nothing but positive feedback on Terry's operation, and we are pleased that he has agreed to feed us on this day.

The second big announcement is a bounty on one of our trails. The trail we have named "No Way" will have a $50 bounty on it's head!. We will require Helmets, roll cages, and harnesses(to be worn) to try this trail. This will not be an all day attempt, we will announce the time so all can watch the brave ones try, and we will close surrounding trails to handle the spectator numbers. More details as the event time draws near!
I do believe I will be there. . . I mean the 2 mile drive will be difficult. . . I do THINK I can make it. . . Actually just for the food
Is it spectator friendly - like DPG or the BDB Farm - where you can walk to most of the trails to watch?

Or do you need to have transportation to get around and see it all? Just curious, seeing as how my engine let go coming out the hole in the 2.5 ton mud race, I won't have a rig to ride around in for a while.

On a second note is it all by passable? As in could I potentially drive a street 4x4 around to the different obstacles to watch with (ie: my truck)

Course if its all w/in easy walking distance then then there's no issue at all.

Our land is steaper than the farm but it can be walked. if it is wet our by passes get tough with a stock rig open/open locker in the rear should be no problem on the main trail.
Two big announcements for our open invite!
We have secured The world famous URE Hot Dog guy, Terry Moorefield, for concessions for the event! I heard nothing but positive feedback on Terry's operation, and we are pleased that he has agreed to feed us on this day.
The second big announcement is a bounty on one of our trails. The trail we have named "No Way" will have a $50 bounty on it's head!. We will require Helmets, roll cages, and harnesses(to be worn) to try this trail. This will not be an all day attempt, we will announce the time so all can watch the brave ones try, and we will close surrounding trails to handle the spectator numbers. More details as the event time draws near!

Sweet! So what is the setup going to be? Three tries and you are out? I guess a stock seat belt doesn't qualify as a harness?
Sweet! So what is the setup going to be? Three tries and you are out? I guess a stock seat belt doesn't qualify as a harness?

as far as how it's all going to be played out, I am not for sure. Have to give everyone who wants to try, a chance.

Time limit?
number of tries?
We will see!

No Seat belts are NOT harnesses.
Another added event(within the event)!

For the past several years several members of Rock Corps 4X4(before we had a name) participated in the annual Christmas Parade through the Glenwood Community. It's a small parade, but the 4X4's seem to be a hit. Last year we made the Newspaper. We do some tire stacking and the people love it.

If you would like to be a part of this, bring some candy to throw out to the kiddies. And even decorate your ride if you want to. We will caravan over to the parade route(about 3 miles away) around 2:30.
anther added bonous... The ladies auxiliary of the Glenwood Fire Dept. will hold a poor mans supper that evening. So, some good home cooking will be available that evening.

This is shaping up to be a great day of wheeling and community involvement!
WOW Wheelin', Local Parade, and Home Cookin' This is why I moved to Marion. . .
had a good group of guys from the Big dixe boggers come up to help with a map. (thanks for the help) they got a good look at our place. all smiles when they seen no way. might be a good show on the 28.
If we run out of parking I will be pleasantly surprised! We have probably 4 acres of parking. Also room to park down on the highway(will have to check with HP to make sure that's OK(Wide shoulder) We will probably have someone directing parking so we can utilize what we have to the best benefit of space. For those who drive in, that won't be a problem at all as we have even more area that is not fitting for a tow rig.

I was asked if lap belts are OK, answer is yes, on all but the Sky trail and No Way.

Any other questions feel free to ask here or PM me.

Remember, we have stuff the Big boys aren't sure about, and plenty of stuff for stockers too.

Winches are highly recommended. Tree savers are required.

How many are you would like to have a bon fire? We have wood!

Remember, No alcohol!

I vote for a fire. . . :popcorn:
If we run out of parking I will be pleasantly surprised! We have probably 4 acres of parking. Also room to park down on the highway(will have to check with HP to make sure that's OK(Wide shoulder) We will probably have someone directing parking so we can utilize what we have to the best benefit of space. For those who drive in, that won't be a problem at all as we have even more area that is not fitting for a tow rig.
I was asked if lap belts are OK, answer is yes, on all but the Sky trail and No Way.
Any other questions feel free to ask here or PM me.
Remember, we have stuff the Big boys aren't sure about, and plenty of stuff for stockers too.
Winches are highly recommended. Tree savers are required.
How many are you would like to have a bon fire? We have wood!
Remember, No alcohol!

So if im only running regular seat belts i cant run 2 of the trails?? I have a full exo and you require a helment. I dont see the need for a harness.
harness and helment

So if im only running regular seat belts i cant run 2 of the trails?? I have a full exo and you require a helment. I dont see the need for a harness.

you can go on any trail with just a seat belt and no helment except the bounty trail and the one beside it on those two trails we require a helment cage and harness. these are two extreme trails some of the BDB guy's seen these trails I think they will agree. besides we are new at at this we don't want anyone hurt on our frist invite the rules may change for the (spring run???).
When you see the two trails they are talking about. You will change your TONE about the harness and the helments. Its not gone to be a walk in the park.