over weight ticket

And weighted non commercial tags certainly aren't federal. I love how they are actively going after the recreational guys now. Used to be youd only see them set up in industrial areas.
I've been told repeatedly that if you're pulling a camper, only the weight on the truck tires matters. Only problem is, I can't find this in the regulations anywhere. Chapter 20 is pretty vague about weighted tags, it's got to be in the DMV regulations somewhere.

Found it:


Page 117 of the pdf:

Camping Trailers and Fifth Wheels - This unit can be equipped with the same as the conventional travel trailer but
is constructed with a raised forward section that allows a bi-level floor plan. This style is designed to be towed by a
vehicle equipped with a device known as fifth wheel hitch. Camping trailers are not to be included in the weight
declared for license on a truck, if used only for recreational purposes. License weight on the truck should include the
tongue part that is in the truck only, not full weight of camper. Fee for a camping trailer is $11.00.
Be careful about the RIVA sticker.
Camping Trailers and Fifth Wheels - This unit can be equipped with the same as the conventional travel trailer but
is constructed with a raised forward section that allows a bi-level floor plan. This style is designed to be towed by a vehicle equipped with a device known as fifth wheel hitch. Camping trailers are not to be included in the weight declared for license on a truck, if used only for recreational purposes. License weight on the truck should include the tongue part that is in the truck only, not full weight of camper. Fee for a camping trailer is $11.00.

Wouldn't the trailer have to specifically be a fifth wheel coupler, not a gooseneck.

Doesn't matter to me, I'm tagged for 26,000lbs just for piece of mind.
Recreational Vehicle Industries Association. Sorry I had the letters wrong, this is a sticker that has to be installed at the factory where the RV was built in code of safety standards. That sticker HAS to be applied next to the entrance door in plain sight. Each sticker has a serial number assigned to that and only that RV. I have been asked for this number in order to apply for insurance for my RV.
LOL, that would be the sticker that is faded and peeling after one year on our camper ( new May '11 ) guess it lasts as long as the warranty ?

I'm pretty sure I have nothing to worry about with my set up ( 3500lb pop-up camper, towed by a mid size SUV) but I'm always watching, just never know when the man wants to add a little more to the kitty....

EDIT : My mistake, the peeling and faded one was for the axle ( hope it lasts longer )

Ive ben told by numerous folks in NC that pulling a true camper that looks like a camper, you have to do something stupid to get pulled/weighed.
Seems the largest RV/Camper dealer in the country is also quite the campaign fund contributor. Ive even been told that ignoring this avice lead a state DOT man to a re-assignment.

now none of this matters to us, as we dont appear to be RV/campers....though I have wondered how i could change that
LOL, that would be the sticker that is faded and peeling after one year on our camper ( new May '11 ) guess it lasts as long as the warranty ?
I'm pretty sure I have nothing to worry about with my set up ( 3500lb pop-up camper, towed by a mid size SUV) but I'm always watching, just never know when the man wants to add a little more to the kitty....

Since you are towing with a SUV, you don't have to have a weighted tag no matter what.
And f u c k SC and their no personalized weighted tags rule.
Since you are towing with a SUV, you don't have to have a weighted tag no matter what.

waiting for that too change some day as well, if it is a chance to make $$$ I wouldn't put it past the state to enact a way to make $$$
Recreational Vehicle Industries Association. Sorry I had the letters wrong, this is a sticker that has to be installed at the factory where the RV was built in code of safety standards. That sticker HAS to be applied next to the entrance door in plain sight. Each sticker has a serial number assigned to that and only that RV. I have been asked for this number in order to apply for insurance for my RV.

DOT doesn't give a fawk about RV clubs. All that sticker says is that the people that built your RV belong to a club that sets rules about how your RV was built. It's a self-governance thing.

My title and registration say "camping trailer". Insurance lady only asked for my money.
It is not a club, It proves that when it was built, it was built as a RV.
The sticker simply says the rig is a RV, not something to haul goods of some kind. That's all, this simplifies how the rig can be tagged and used. It means it is not a commercial vehicle and the rules are different for these. My coach weighs more than 42,000 with air brakes, I don't need a CDL to operate it but I have a CDL to get a cheaper insurance rates. My tag is $30 and I can pull 15,000 legally.
waiting for that too change some day as well, if it is a chance to make $$$ I wouldn't put it past the state to enact a way to make $$$

Agreed, I am waiting for that loop hole to be closed any day now.
http://www.gorving.com/explore-rvs/rvia-seal Looks like just an industry led "certification" group. Either way it's sad how much someone can get away with just because they are towing with or towing an "rv".

Heh, doesn't matter the size of the rig, odds that the person handling it actually knows anything more than how to open the cooler door are greater than they know how to repair or diag a problem with said rig. Yes, I'm rather new to the RV world, but damn, some of the folks I've run into already that haven't got a clue past filling the gas tank. ( same goes for camp ground operators, ran into one a few weeks ago that had never seen a slide out on a pop-up... they've been around at least 10years )

My coach weighs more than 42,000 with air brakes, I don't need a CDL to operate it but I have a CDL to get a cheaper insurance rates. My tag is $30 and I can pull 15,000 legally.

Terry, you're probably the exception, not the rule.
It was a 365 fine but I knew I was not covered and got cought its all good will get it fixed and not have to worry about it again.
again pay 200/year or 365 everytime you get caght....tough choice
What they told us at the DOT meeting at Mooresville Dragstrip was... Once you start hauling a "payload" in it, you are no longer an exempt RV. Enclosed trailers with living quarters in the front cease to become a camper when there is a car in there. Also, there is the added view about the race car earning money (Rarely!) they can argue that it may as well be a bobcat or a tractor and not a hobby vehicle which also screws the "Recreational" part of it. I am telling you guys, they dont care what you call it or what stickers are on it. Once you strap a vehicle or a "payload" on it or inside it, the "Not for hire" and RV rules change in thier eyes. The best hope you have is that the guy in the black Tahoe isnt trained in advanced revenue collection. These guys think in terms of high revenue, small sting operations. If you are headed to an attraction where a lot of other rigs will be, expect to be scrutized. Just my .02, along with info direct from the DMV instructor's class designed for this issue.
Once you start hauling a "payload"

=towing an empty pig cooker is just a grill with a hitch, or a "tool"

throw a pig on that cooker, now your "tool" is hauling "cargo" and needs a tag on the trailer

A lot of hairs to split there, but that's pretty much the way it works
8k over yesterday $370 ....however 8yrs In the dodge and 1 ticket so I'm still about $700 to the good

Weren't we just talking about this on the way back from Harlan.

I'm glad I didn't go...mine would've about the same if not more with the redneck toy hauler.
Got pulled once for a weigh about a year ago now. I was 1500 lbs over. It must have took him an hour to write the ticket. Vowed I wouldn't go through that again...
In case you guys havent picked up on it yet... Trucks in SC dont have weighted tags. Trailers dont need tags at all. Plus, they have a flat 300 dollar vehicle tax Just about everybody has a relative or ex in-laws in SC... Finally, something South Carolina is good for besides sand, chiggers and pine trees!:D