over weight ticket

I was told by a DOT officer a few years ago, that I was pulled over and ticketed because of the ability to pay. Nice truck, nice trailer, recreational toys=ability to pay fines. Hence the reason they have started targeting race trailers and such. If you were severely overloaded, in a junk ass truck pulling a questionable trailer, but out of state plates and a "minority", bet you wouldn't get a ticket.
In case you guys havent picked up on it yet... Trucks in SC dont have weighted tags. Trailers dont need tags at all. Plus, they have a flat 300 dollar vehicle tax Just about everybody has a relative or ex in-laws in SC... Finally, something South Carolina is good for besides sand, chiggers and pine trees!

Hmm yeah they do. Trailers don't have to have a tag unless its for commercial use but all trailers over 2500lb GVWR are supposed to be registered. Truck tags are needed for anything over 11,000lb's gvw (I have a farm tag [$12 flat rate no matter the weight] on my 97 for 22,000 and a truck tag for 24,000 on my 04) And I pay a different tax on all my cars every year based on what they think the value of your car is(thats based on your county though) which range from $50 to $250.

But in all still a lot cheaper than when I lived in NC not to mention I pay on avg. 15-20 cent less for diesel fuel.
Wouldn't the trailer have to specifically be a fifth wheel coupler, not a gooseneck.

Doesn't matter to me, I'm tagged for 26,000lbs just for piece of mind.

I think a gooseneck is a type of fifth wheel. If I'm not mistaken, there are two different types of fifth wheel couplers...King Pin (what people normally call a fifth wheel) and a Gooseneck.
Got pulled once for a weigh about a year ago now. I was 1500 lbs over. It must have took him an hour to write the ticket. Vowed I wouldn't go through that again...
Same here took about a hour I'm going to get a new tag this week I'm not going threw it again either
Hmm yeah they do. Trailers don't have to have a tag unless its for commercial use but all trailers over 2500lb GVWR are supposed to be registered. Truck tags are needed for anything over 11,000lb's gvw (I have a farm tag [$12 flat rate no matter the weight] on my 97 for 22,000 and a truck tag for 24,000 on my 04) And I pay a different tax on all my cars every year based on what they think the value of your car is(thats based on your county though) which range from $50 to $250.

But in all still a lot cheaper than when I lived in NC not to mention I pay on avg. 15-20 cent less for diesel fuel.

I should have said that the Sales Tax is a flat 300.00 when you buy a car in SC. NC is .03 percent per dollar, which adds up quicky. Thanks for the clarification on the truck tags. Does it say "weighted" or something on the tag, or just on the registration?
Should Say "truck" or "Farm". Truck tags are white and red and all start with a P and farm tags are white and black and start with an F. And I believe the trailer tag says trailer and starts with TL (maybe white a green or black) but those are rare to see.

EDIT: if you own a truck and don't plan on towing anything you can use a "car" tag or w/e because they go up to 11,000lb GVWR not 11k GVWCR. well you could tow just not heavy.
Are there any advantages to a commercial tag over a weighted tag? I use my truck/trailer for work(self employed) and im fixin to have to renew my tag and upgrade it, currently 12000lbs and ive been towin way more than that lately.
SC vehicle property taxes are much higher than NC. but sales tax on a purchase are capped at 300.
(FOr example my 07 250 is 580ish a year property tax)
They do have weighted tags, but they dont have personalized weighted tags.