Pictures of your Furry Friends.

My daughter’s 7 and has been consistently asking for a cat for at least three years. Anybody asked her what she wanted for her birthday, the answer was “a cat”. She confidently told me a few months ago she was pretty sure she was getting a cat for Christmas this year since she’s asked for one for so long. Although my wife is not a cat person, we agreed that once we were in our new house we would get her some outside cats. Tried to wait until Christmas but these guys needed adopting so we got them last week.

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I like them grey tigerstriped cats, they are super cute as a kitten.

But you gotta watch out. As they get older, they learn all kinds of tricks...





My daughter’s 7 and has been consistently asking for a cat for at least three years. Anybody asked her what she wanted for her birthday, the answer was “a cat”. She confidently told me a few months ago she was pretty sure she was getting a cat for Christmas this year since she’s asked for one for so long. Although my wife is not a cat person, we agreed that once we were in our new house we would get her some outside cats. Tried to wait until Christmas but these guys needed adopting so we got them last week.

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You want some more? I got 5 mf’ing feral cats that do nothing but roam my yard and shit. They need to go.
Random thought - this thread would be cooler in the g’rage
You want some more? I got 5 mf’ing feral cats that do nothing but roam my yard and shit. They need to go.

There’s a lady at the end of my street that feeds all the stray cats. Must be 20 or more hanging around her house. They’ve crept in my direction. One had kittens under my porch and I had to remove a board so the turds could get out. I see footprints on my cars, and they like to get into trash bags I put in the truck bed to take to the dump the next morning. See above link. Something to do when deer season is over while drinking on the back porch.

There’s a lady at the end of my street that feeds all the stray cats. Must be 20 or more hanging around her house. They’ve crept in my direction. One had kittens under my porch and I had to remove a board so the turds could get out. I see footprints on my cars, and they like to get into trash bags I put in the truck bed to take to the dump the next morning. See above link. Something to do when deer season is over while drinking on the back porch.
I have one for the squirrels. It's way off so I have not hit shit yet. I really need to figure out how to site that in. Unless I can talk @Wes to teach me over a drink one Saturday.

There’s a lady at the end of my street that feeds all the stray cats. Must be 20 or more hanging around her house. They’ve crept in my direction. One had kittens under my porch and I had to remove a board so the turds could get out. I see footprints on my cars, and they like to get into trash bags I put in the truck bed to take to the dump the next morning. See above link. Something to do when deer season is over while drinking on the back porch.

Had the same problem with a neighbor a couple years ago. Guy used to put out 40lbs of cat food a week. We had so many ferral cats they started imbreeding and had major defects. Got tired of it and "relocated" most of them. The rest must have been smart and left.

I found these worked better and were the same amount of noise. My son and I did a side by side comparison and you could hardly tell a difference with the Henry or the Gamo.

,22 short subsonics with a hushpipe.
I've been told that when fired through a rifle the sound of the action cycling is louder than the round.
My problem with the .22 is all the damn horses behind the squirrels.
@jeepinmatt are your cats good carpenters? Ours are a huge “help” when you pull out a chop saw.
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Our dog is the same way when firing up a Skill saw or any power tool, doesn't bother her in the least, except an impact driver. She is a bit gun shy being an indoor rescue Boxer. Had her out shooting up at Jonas Ridge when she was younger, she couldn't decide if she should run or lean into my legs. lol
Syn is my little “chocolate chip”. She is a Chocolate longhair mini Dachshund. She is a little sweetheart. Been trying to catch her cause she usually sleeps with just the tip of her tongue out. Her sleeping partner is Frigga. It’s bed time here!!


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