Long story.... but... I'll sum it up...
My parents found this puppy on the roadside on 3rd of July.
Took him to the vets, got his shots, dewormed, etc. Washed all the fleas off and pulled off a tick... Then went to the Humane Society to see if it was tagged.
He wasn't, but they listed him on their website as found and the owner showed up the next day.
My parents, especially my mom, were pretty heart broken. So were the kids who got to play with him during 4th of July lunch and celebrations...
So I used Watauga County GI's to stalk where the puppy was found, then compared it to the owners first name that I got from the Humane Society until I found a likely match.
Then I facebook stalked all the people matching that name until I found the correct one.
I offered a bunch of money for him.
She said no.
I upped my offer to a stupid amount.
She said no again.
So, I told her if she changes her mind - let me know.
She messaged me this morning.
He's coming home to my parents on Wed.