Pocket Knife - Options


yehaw x10
Mar 28, 2007
Valdese, NC
I'm getting married and want to give my groomsman a nice pocket knife as a gift. (in the $35-$60 range)

I don't want any taiwan or china blades.

Let me hear your recommendations.
I carried a traditional pocket knife since my dad gave me one as a child in scouting probably around age 6 or 7. And have been naked without if I forget it ever since. But due to the simplicity and fast paced need, since about 3-4 years ago I have given up the common pocket knife and only carry my Craftsman box cutter. I know pocket knives can be made very nice and personalized but to have to sharpen the blade every time it's needed is out dated in my opinion. To be able to whip out another blade or just turn a worn one around has alot of benefits when time is a concern. I can whittle down anything a traditional knife can and can go all day long since mine has a pocket on top to carry extra blades.

Pocket knives are nice but if he will use it instead of placing it on a mantle for looks, I suggest a nice box cutter.

Only exception I can think of though would be if he needed a special blade for a purpose such as a hawk bill or something? But I think even the Swiss survival knives are out dated. 95% of the additional accessories were worthless. Have you tried using the saw blade? Or even the leather punch? I'd say if you need a leather punch or saw blade, buy one with a nice handle... Or better yet, if you need a tooth pick, whip out the ole box cutter and whittle one down right quick.
If you buy blades with quality steel they will hold an edge much much longer than low quality blades. The VG-10 blade in the spyderco i recommended isn't the highest grade steel, but it is one of the best that that you can get in the price range. The stuff holds an edge very well.
If you buy blades with quality steel they will hold an edge much much longer than low quality blades. The VG-10 blade in the spyderco i recommended isn't the highest grade steel, but it is one of the best that that you can get in the price range. The stuff holds an edge very well.

Yea, Spyderco is good stuff.

Anyone ever heard of Ontario knives? Seem inexpensive but i'm not sure of the quality. *edit scratch that. its a taiwan knife.
I only carry Spyderco or SOG. SOG is my carry knife right now.
I only carry Spyderco or SOG. SOG is my carry knife right now.

Do most of the SOG knives have USA made blades?

I'm looking for a simple pocket folder with a clip.
I don't know for certain about the USA made blades, but I think they are. They are not cheap (construction) if that is what you are worried about. And most if not all of their folders have a clip.
I personally like what Browning has to offer. My favorite so far has been one from the escalade series #667 with a burl handle. A little higher than your price range at $90, but I love everything they have.
my favorite knife. slim, light, comfortable in the pocket. its not some bulky blade weighing your pants down.
plus the half serated/half smooth edge makes it very versatile.

Not to mention Gerbers no BS warranty. I bought a super cheapo Gerber skeletal folder (2" long blade) at WallyWorld 15 years ago. After 10 years of daily/sometimes heavy use, the "spring" (part of the body) that held it locked broke off. I read on a forum to call them & was told to return it ($1.50 postage). Within 3 weeks received a brand new knife (same model).

I've since bought several more Gerbers.

FWIW, I'm NOT a fan of serrated edges due to being a PITA to sharpen. I can maintain the edge on a flat blade knife with no issues, just don't like the time it takes on the combo edged knifes.
Get a real Swiss Army knife. The tools on them come in real handy and they are still small to carry and good quailty
I have a Gerber pocket knife and multi-tool and love the crap out of them.


http://www.gerber-tools.com/Gerber-Diesel-Multi-Plier-1470.htm (I have the optional options as well)

The only other knives I have owned were Buck and Old Timer (my dad only ever used Old Timer)

This one for hunting.


This is one I lost during a move had it for years before.

Why not Whittle down a toothbrush handle and melt a razor blade into it like they do in the pen.That way whether it's ganking your Roomie for being a Snitch or carving little animals out of soap,you have the tool you need.It's versatile and inexpensive how can you go wrong??


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Benchmade Mini Griptilian with the button on the blade for one hand opening (as opposed to the hole in the blade).
I own quite a few knives including some Gerber and Spyderco products, but the Benchmades take the cake in this price range. The Axis lock is far better than the lock on the Gerber or Spyderco knives and I think most people with larger hands will find that they prefer the button on the blade for one hand opening over the hole that you'll find in the Spydercos.

Tons of color options and blade combinations to choose from:

Ignore the $95 MSRP. You can order them online for around $60 each.

I wish I got gifts like this for the weddings I was in. Who really needs a damn pewter cup with their initials engraved in it?
I like Sog's, Kershaws, Case and Gerbers; some Bucks and some of the old Old Timers. Haven't owned a Spyderco - yet - it's on the list.

Bechmade wouldn't warranty mine so they are off my list for now. They won't replace the spring if you're in some states and they won't just send you a spring either. Had to fab one up myself to fix it.
e blade for one hand opening over the hole that you'll find in the Spydercos.
I wish I got gifts like this for the weddings I was in. Who really needs a damn pewter cup with their initials engraved in it?
X2 beside the glass ones I have gotten the stupid Pewter piece fell off after a couple uses.Now I have blank clear glasses.
I've had nothing but a Kershaw on my side for the last ten years. I love seeing "Made in the USA" everytime I open it. Can't have enough of them.