Police Entertainment

I got pulled in Huntersville for not stopping at a yield sign. WTF. had me and my GF out on the curb and the vehicle tossed. several cops showed and they all were turned on cause I didnt really know where I was (had been apartment hunting that day) and we were just driving around checking things out. asshats. the judge loved that one. he tore those guys a new one in court. sometimes I think they just get bored and try like hell to find anything/something. normally I would have just gone and had it dismissed but I paid the $200 for my lawyer just to see those guys get burned.
Appearance and attitude....starting with what someone is driving, can make a big difference in how you are treated.

Thats the truth i drive a beat up lifted zj in town of good ole abingdon an ive prolly been pulled over 11 times in 2 yrs prolly a few i forgot as well, only tickets i ever got for it was pullin out of my driveway to test drive after putting in a new tcase and it wasnt registered cop turned around in my drive and pulled me over less than 300 yards from my house search me and my vehicle obviously seen id been working on it and it had not been on the highway but that didnt matter really... Btw i wasnt test driving my jeep through town or anything just on country back roads! oh and the smaller the cop the bigger the attitude usually!:shaking:
I would go with Edenton on this one, but there were far too many cops responding to this "situation". Sorry to hear your story bro. :beer:
You guys are ridiculous. All of you saying that you pay their salary so you can criticize them are full of crap and stupid. To say that they chose to be a cop and put their life on the line is your reasoning for anything is dumb.

I have zero respect for anyone that immature.

By accepting your driver’s license and/or concealed carry, you are stating that you understand that there are laws and that you must abide by them. To complain that the cops were over reacting by calling more officers to the scene given the fact that the person is carrying a firearm is just stupid. Look at it from their point of view. I guarantee that all of you weenie-wagging e-tough-guys would do the EXACT same thing.

I agree that there are cops out there that are just on a power trip, but the vast majority are just doing their job. Grow up and learn to respect those that have power over you. What the hell does it matter that the cop told you to not take his picture? I would want you to stay seated and under my control given the situation. Your son most likely reacted based on how you reacted to the situation. Had you just remained calm and reassured him that everything was fine and that the cops were just doing their job, he probably wouldn’t have been frightened. Young kids are easily affected emotionally by those around them.

And to one of the more recent posters about driving his unregistered jeep on the road – what the hell were you expecting to happen? Did you really think that the cop would be fine with you breaking the law? Rules are rules and they are there for a reason. I don’t care if you were driving on rural roads or driving in downtown NYC. Were you not breaking the law by driving an unregistered vehicle on government roads?

And good lord! Please learn to spell and use proper grammar. I know this is an online forum, but this board is out there for the world to view. Which side would you chose; a group of trout fisherman that know how to eloquently speak or a group where they communicate like ignorant morons?
Grow up and learn to respect those that have power over you.

Rules are rules and they are there for a reason.

THANK GOD this whole country doesn't think like these two statements.
No MAN has power over me, he may have a position that delegates authority to him, but he does not have POWER over me, the fact that most LEO's think they do is one of their primary issues.

Rules are there to protect the public when they extend beyond that they should be challenged and abolished. (not to say that in this instance it was ok to drive an unregistered vehicle, I dont think it was but your argument is weak)
I dont think all the back up was needed. Im not a LEO but if I was I dont think I would be too concerned with the guy who is legally carrying a weapon and is up front about it. I have had a few interactions with LEOs since I got my CWP and the officers have always been professional and polite. I have never had one ask for my gun or call for back up on me. I have had a couple ask where my gun was and tell me not to reach for it and I had one who said good for you what are you carrying. Most just say OK thanks for letting me know.
The only real sin I see here is the officer not apologizing for it taking so long/dsitressing the young one.
Liek somebody said, no telling what his concerns were, mayeb there was an APB at that moment for a similar stolen car or something. Or maybe his buddies were just bored.

But IMO had he just taken the 15 secnds to say, "Sorry for the delay and hassle, we're looking for somebody" or whatever, that would have smoothed it over for me.

I don't mind time/hassle by LEOs, it's an unfortunate part of their job. I
f they will just maintain the imfamous southern hospitality, that can go a loooong way to keep people happy. IMO that's where things tend to break down.
But in the end is authority not power? He has the authority to control you. I'd say that is power.

And don't take me out of context. I'm all for abolishing rules that aren't there for the greater good, but to have any of these traffic issues and say the cops are power hungry is obsurd. If you break the speed limit, you deserve a ticket. If you have a ccw, expect to have leo's on your ass and to protect themselves. If you drive an unregistered vehicle, you deserve a ticket. To expect anything less than this is idiotic.
The way I see things is this, if you tell me you have a gun on you/in the vehicle/wherever...I am going to call for someone to check in with me right away.

The fact that you have a CCW does nothing to tell me about the type of person you are or what you are capable of. It just means you took the time to legally procure the ability to carry a handgun concealed.

It also shows me that I KNOW that you have something that can end my life in a second. I don't have to second guess about what kind of weapons are in your posession, I already have a confirmed starting point, and I am going to be a little more on edge about it.

But at the same time, once I have finished my business, I will respectfully give you your information and weapon back,and I will thank you for your cooperation, because I know you took the time to take the class and do things right.

With this profession, there is a lot of discretion involved, and unfortunately some choose to take it to the extreme in every situation.
I only know that in my ccw class that I took here in Concord, the teacher (who's wife was there who was an officer for Cabarrus County I believe) said that an officer should NEVER ask for your weapon. Some of us in the class asked for him to repeat himself, and he and she said the same thing. He went on to say he would not hand over his weapon because the ccw does not give an officer the right to take your weapon for any reason.

Believe me or not, but this is what was taught to us in our class, I do not know the validity of his statements, but I did search for a general statute or anything that states an officer can take your weapon b/c you have a ccw, but could not find any. Maybe someone on here knows more than me, but I have NEVER had an officer ask for my weapon, they only tell me to keep my hands where they can see them. Of course, I am always respectful, and do not temp officers by breaking the law (knowingly).
You guys are ridiculous. All of you saying that you pay their salary so you can criticize them are full of crap and stupid. To say that they chose to be a cop and put their life on the line is your reasoning for anything is dumb.
I have zero respect for anyone that immature.

So you should never criticize public officials because they are in power? So you simply accept authority because someone sat on their ass for a few months( or not at all) and the public should bow down to them? God please dont breed and further evolve into an even more hapless "man". Power and respect are given to others not taken.:rolleyes: A whopping 9 officers have been shot by CCW holder nationwide since May 07. Sounds like cops should be a hell of a lot less scared of CCW holders. http://www.vpc.org/ccwkillers.htm

Yes they choose to do their job and accept the potential problems that come with it. Elec guys accept that they may get shocked, plumbers may have their hands in shit. They know the risks yet CHOOSE to take them.

And the respect of someone so casual with their rights is not something I will worry about.
The fact that you have a CCW does nothing to tell me about the type of person you are or what you are capable of. It just means you took the time to legally procure the ability to carry a handgun concealed.


It tells you that I am not a felon, never committed a felony.

Have had an FBI background check, renewed each five years.

Have never been involuntarily committed for mental health issues.

That the high Sheriff of our county has signed off on my permit and renewal, every five years. Even repeat misdemeanors, excessive traffic citations, etc, can dissuade a Sheriff from signing off.

That I care enough about the law to follow the law, and don't illegally carry concealed, where you don't know.

...and you know this when you run my plate. What do you know about the average citizen, that does not possess a CCW, before you pull him over??
The way I see things is this, if you tell me you have a gun on you/in the vehicle/wherever...I am going to call for someone to check in with me right away.

The fact that you have a CCW does nothing to tell me about the type of person you are or what you are capable of. It just means you took the time to legally procure the ability to carry a handgun concealed.

It also shows me that I KNOW that you have something that can end my life in a second. I don't have to second guess about what kind of weapons are in your posession, I already have a confirmed starting point, and I am going to be a little more on edge about it.


Luckily this is not the way most officers think. Unless there is something else involved, having a CCW is a lot of times something that will get you a warning instead of a ticket and less harrassment.
It tells you that I am not a felon, never committed a felony.
Have had an FBI background check, renewed each five years.
Have never been involuntarily committed for mental health issues.
That the high Sheriff of our county has signed off on my permit and renewal, every five years. Even repeat misdemeanors, excessive traffic citations, etc, can dissuade a Sheriff from signing off.
That I care enough about the law to follow the law, and don't illegally carry concealed, where you don't know.
...and you know this when you run my plate. What do you know about the average citizen, that does not possess a CCW, before you pull him over??

The only problem with this logic is that... for anybody with a record, there is a first time for all of those offenses. Before that first time - guess what - clean record.
LEO has no way of knowing if this may be the first time.

Do you think that nobody with a CCW has ever been a threat to an LEO?
The only problem with this logic is that... for anybody with a record, there is a first time for all of those offenses. Before that first time - guess what - clean record.
LEO has no way of knowing if this may be the first time.
Do you think that nobody with a CCW has ever been a threat to an LEO?

Yeah, but you'd better believe, if you have a CCW, and get in trouble...your CCW gets revoked pretty quick. They'll know.

As far as happening upon a totally up-to-then legal CCW'er on the day he does flip out....I'll take my chances. Cops can flip out too. Besides, even a Sheriff can be a felon in NC. http://www.wral.com/news/local/wral_investigates/story/7497525/
I was helping a friend into the emergency room one time and had my holster in the back of my pants(gun was in the truck) and a hospital cop asked what that was for and I said to carry my gun in. Then I proceeded to tell him it was in the truck. Long story short he made me go w/ him to the truck and get it. I reached under the seat stood back up dropped the clip and cleared the chamber and handed it to him. All the time I'm thinking You Dumb Ass. He locked it in the hospital safe for "safe keeping'' and gave it back when I left. He also ran the numbers on it while he had it. He was just another power hungry hospital cop.
I was just waiting for someone to bring Hege up:shaking:... can't believe it was not until page 3.:flipoff2:.
I've been pulled four times in 5 years (i'm 21). I always have a gun with me. All four times they asked for the gun, which I have no problem with. I'd rather them think they are safer, than to have some jittery cop think I was reaching for it and shoot me.

Two times were troopers... both very nice people and I was on my way quickly.

The other two... Morganton public safety. Either they both were having bad days, or they're always assholes. Take your pick. Both stops had three patrol cars show up, and took over half an hour each.

All four stops were for tag lights.

That's probably a big part of the difference in everybody's differing experiences. I am just shy of 47.

(For you other geezers...notice how the cops are looking real young nowadays??? We got a state trooper around here that looks (to me) like he's about 16. Guess that's a side effect of getting older...everybody starts to look younger.)
I got pulled one night in Laurinburg for speeding (I was haulin @$$). I had my keltec on the dash (as soon as I saw blue lights). The officer took my weapon and handed it off to his partner. After I got the citation, the other officer handed me my weapon, magazine and the round that was in the chamber. They told me to have a good night. They were very professional and not overly cautious. I guess the Iraq Veteran sticker on the back window of my truck and my cooperation helped the situation.
That I care enough about the law to follow the law, and don't illegally carry concealed, where you don't know.
I would just like to point out that this is not a true statement about anyone who gets a CCW. Having a CCW does not make everyone model citizens.
Take for instance a guy a couple of months ago who is passed out drunk in his truck in the parking lot of a bar. As soon as officer's wake him up, first thing he does is reach under the seat and grab his gun.
Hmm...he did have a CCW, but he sure didn't seem to care enough about the law to follow it and not have it concealed when he was drunk...

So again, I do not know that someone with a CCW cares enough to follow the law...

having a CCW is a lot of times something that will get you a warning instead of a ticket and less harrassment.
I can't speak for everyone, but just because you have a CCW, that is not going to be the only reason someone gets a warning instead of a citation from me. There may be many other factors; the violation, your demeanor, etc...but a CCW, to me, is not a free pass from tickets.