Post up your Real cool photos


Crozet, VA 9.11.06
Not to pick, but I think the gate is there for a reason. Ever see how far the shaft for that mine goes? Trust me you don't want to fall in. Some pretty good scenery there though huh?

Trust me when I say that we didn't go too far back there. There were large ice stalagtites and stalagmites making things very dicey.

The scenery was fantastic though. I'm headed back there for two or three weeks this summer again.

Alright, just to give ya'll something to look at, lol... just a little taste

-lacye washin my truck last year 4 me, on my b-day
- And a sweet shot of me tryin to throw a roost out at fort fisher last fourth of july... not bad for a 22-r and 44's


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-lacye washin my truck last year 4 me, on my b-day
- And a sweet shot of me tryin to throw a roost out at fort fisher last fourth of july... not bad for a 22-r and 44's

no disrespect but................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................WOW
yea its a russian, sk... and i kno i kno, it has more than 3 mods, i'm pretty sure you can only have like 2 mods or less...
- folding stock
- > 30 rd magazine
- bayonet... etc
i also just finished putting the tac trigger on.... it actually surprized me, its just that i need to get a few more 30 rd clips because the springs get weak in them and they jam when the clip gets to 10 or less.
Ahh, so thats who you are. I've seen that toy at galloways before. I remember your girlfriend came with you too... yeah the pics don't lie.
After looking at your location...Where are you? (In the pics.)