Project dirt dobber

Got the last piece of the puzzle tonight.. now going work to get this axle back together for next weekend at windrock


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Trashed my wheel bearings wmgetting out of the trail I guess cause they are smoked!!! New bearing s and races and one side is done! 5 days til windrock, time to rock n roll


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I got the buggy back together just in time for a family vacation to windrock!

Loaded up and rolled out Friday am. Not 1.5hr into the trip and we had a violent rear driver tire explode at 75mph and I barely got it off the highway in one piece. Cars and tractor trailers scattered like cockroaches. Bent my rear quarter panel pretty bad and ripped my inner quarter out. The tire actually slapped the rear doors of the excursion and cracked the fiberglass. Got my composure back together and got my spare on and headed back on the road. Still in shock from the blowout, i tool it easy the rest of the way. Surprised my wife and kids with a cabin (told the we would be roughing it in a tent)0% every day we were reserved to be in TN, they were very happy to be in a cabin. Rented a Sxs for Saturday so we jumped in the buggy and my wife drove the SxS. We got the group together at the trail head and headed to the first trail 22, drove a couple miles on easy trials and split so my wife could hit the bypass and meet us at the outlet. We took longer than expected and 2 hours later we come out to the end and I heard that she broke, I followed a buddy to find the the towels bent and it wouldn't steer to the left.. rack and pinion waa bent as well....... what a pile of crap. Buggy had a issue with popping fuse for ignition, spent the night checking over the harness to find the winch switch looked like it hit the transfer case. So I pulled it and moved it out of them way.
Sunday loaded up and on the way to the trailhead I heard growling noise. Stopped and had someone check it. And the transfer case was free chilling on the belly and moving all around. Dropped the belly and changed out the mounts for longer ones, they seem to stay tight. Over all a good trip but dang i hate it when little issues pop up one after the other. Going over the buggy real good before the next trip. Ain't gonna be "that guy" again. Mon we headed further into TN to go hiking and swimming with the family
Borrowed some gear oil last trio for the first time as well. Other than a pint of brake fluid I didn't carry fluids. Never had a problem, always had checked over my rig before but I had a drain plug fall out on the trail and dumped a qt of gear oil so last night I started on my fluids tray I'm gonna mount in my buggy. It will have a top
that unbolts but here is the base
Probably not, toy stuff doesn’t take more than a quart or 2 of any fluid.... if this holder gets any heavier I’ll have to go on a diet or put another turbo on!!!!!!
If you want to make a few more, shoot me a price.
Ivy branch





I had a good time. Buggy did great over all, brake problems messed me up and I slide down a hill into a tree, my wife hit her head on the cage, note to everyone and myself , WEAR A HELMET!!!!!!!!

So helmets will be ordered and auto trans swap is under way, doors, new rear shock and clean up rig. Time to start working on her

Start of the door mod


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I got a A340f trans, with the gear toy case adapter and and RAD designs shifter. I have been wanting to swap over to an auto for over a year but the rig wasn't down. Got some time over the late fall and threw down to swap done with new belly, doors that my fat tail can get in and out easier.
Got it in and went to windrock for the 2nd annual wheeling in the new year. Got off the trailer and rode up the trail head, laid I to the throttle and POP...engine back fires and shut off immediately. I rolled to a stop... I thought my weekend was over. Pulled my mixer and found the plate holding my diaphragm all wobbly but diaphragm wasn broke in any place. Reinstalled it and got towed back to camp. After looking over all the boots, I found one of the boots with a huge tear in it. Went to the local parts store and found a radiator hose with a couple 90s. Installed the boot and primed propane and still wouldn't crank. Pulled the mixer again and tried to flatten out the plate. Got some rtv and ran a bead around the plate and let it dry over night. Next morning I assembled the mixer and rig fired right up. I had locked out my distributor to be better for boost. I think that's where my problem was. So I installed a distributor that a friend brought and used the mechanical advance. Was able to get it timed to be able to wheel and hit the trails. I got alot of wheeling to do to get used to not being able to drop the clutch. Bit we shall see. I think I'll like it.
Rear radiator planned with the coolant running through the main inside rails?

Looks good.
Was able to go wheeling labor day weekend. My family loaded up and we rolled out Friday am. Had some issues with overheating in my excursion. After changing waterpump, thermostat and surge tank cap north of Richmond va, we still had rising temps. I had already checked the fan clutch and it felt good, but it was the only part the store had in stock off the highway. So I threw it on and hit the road. 20 min later, we still had rising temps. Determined to get to PA, I put the heat on the floor and temps dropped immediately. We rode for another 4.5 hr with the heat on, windows down, and it was 90* outside, with the rear ac on for the kids. Wife and kids didn't complain a bit. We ordered a radiator for the next morning in wilkes barre, PA, where we were traveling to to wheel. What a adventure that was not expected. Got to our spot and man was it worth it. 11 or so rigs, some great wheeling and awesome traction. We hit hersey PA on the way home. A great family trip!
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