Raleigh Area NC4x4 meetup, do it again soon?

DSM Turbos

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Anybody want to do it again, had a small turnout last time but had a good time. The weather is getting nicer out. If we had more commit i'm sure it would entice a lot more to come out.
Only if Cyd will bring me a NC4x4 coozie! ;)

Have to be somewhere fast, or otherwise a late afternoon lunch so can hang out. Maybe Woody's Tavern in Cary? Could see a massive pile of 4x4's decending on some chicken wings! I'm going to be there this Fri. afternoon anyway... :D
May swing out there Bruiser if I get done mountain biking at a decent time.

All you raleigh people are lazy bums and don't commit :D

2pm -10pm how long do you ride your bike for :)
I think you got it backwards....pay to get in, but free beer!