Random pic thread.

So, you are the closest thing to a doc around here....remote fishing trip, no deep-sleep anesthesia...would you pull it out or push it through?

Its gonna suck either way. Less damage to push it through. Maybe burn a hole in the nail, push it through, cut the barb and pull it out.

Shouldn't have to worry about pain too much, they'll likely pass out.
Not my pic.... (I'd just shoot myself to end the misery if this happened to me)

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That's an easy one, just cut the hook in half, auger out a hole in the fingernail, soak all in alcohol or betadine and feed it on through. can't go backwards due to the barb. Pain is relative, it's only gonna hurt so much. I've seen this done on a fishing boat. Mate was back to helping tourists withing minutes.
That's an easy one, just cut the hook in half, auger out a hole in the fingernail, soak all in alcohol or betadine and feed it on through. can't go backwards due to the barb. Pain is relative, it's only gonna hurt so much. I've seen this done on a fishing boat. Mate was back to helping tourists withing minutes.

reminds me of a story a friend told me about a trip he took on a headboat years ago.There was a huge, drunken redneck,bout 6'6 and 400lb who was acting like an ass all day.The fishing was pretty good and "sasquatch" reeled in a huge triggerfish. Then he stuck his big thumb in the fishes mouth to pull the hook out, like it was a bass.
The trigger about bit his thumb off and would not let it go and he was screaming and cussing as he put it on the deck and stomped it into mush and finally retrieved his mutilated thumb.A mate ran up w a bucket full of clorox and told him stick his bloody hand in the bucket or he could get a bad infection from the bacteria in the fishes mouth. When he put his bear paw in the bucket and he went nuts and tried to punch the mate that was already running away down the deck.Dudes fishing was done for that day.
I'm sure I told this "hook" story here some years ago. Fishing around Morehead/haystacks w my dad and a guide.We were casting 3/4oz. Redfish magic spinners on a 18' flat bottom skiff. The fish were running in packs and were easy to see in the clear, shallow water. The fishing got hot and fast and my dad whipped his rod to cast to a big fish and smacked me in side of the head w his bait.It felt like somebody hit me in the head w a bat. I sat down, a bit dizzy and tried to pull the lure out of my hair and hat.The hook was stuck in my scalp and my hat was pinned to my head. the whole side of my head hurt and felt like it was on fire.
The guide pulled my hat up and got dizzy and had to sit down, I think he had vasovagal.Dad was upset and worried about me and the guide said he needed to take us back to the dock so I could go to the hospital. I said hell, no we paid for 6 hrs of fishing and it had been 2.The guide was not gonna pull the big jig/hook out of my head and dad did'nt want to either. I told him he put it there and you can pull it out, just put a loop on the hook and pop it out.......It took 2 yanks, the first was not hard enough but the hook popped out on the next yank. I put a cold beer on my head for a while and drank another and we fished till the afternoon and caught a bunch of more fish, probably more than any guided trip we ever took.
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How much do we have to buy to get those tars thrown in?

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you know damn well he only posted that pic to show off them tars
Picking up a coworker in kernersville to head to Raleigh and this is in the hotel parking lot. K-vegas baby!

Found some baby raccoons this last weekend while clearing part of our property. One walked right up to my wife just about. I was able to pick it up and it wasn't too happy. We found another one that had obvious signs of distemper and he was in a bad way so we did the humane thing and put it down. Placed the other one back where we found it. As long as it doesn't bother our chickens we will be good...
