Random pic thread.

Welcome to Minnesoooootah.

Good job Amazon. Nobody will see it behind the rock 700ft from the house with the nice circle driveway that would have saved you from spinning out in my neighbor's driveway... :shaking:
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But you gotta admit, your driveway does look like a Wrong Turn! So you really can't blame him.
As much as I despise being in the city, it can at times be purty.

I'm glad you took a pic. I've seen it around just never got my phone out. It sat for months at haulk automotive on withrow rd.

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What axles are under it? Or are those wheels just made to look like their 10 lug?
I already miss her. :(
But I know I did the right thing. :D
Hey is that that piece of equipment you told me was a giant piece of shit and you were glad you had found a sucker to pay your more than what it was worth if it was working properly?
Hey is that that piece of equipment you told me was a giant piece of shit and you were glad you had found a sucker to pay your more than what it was worth if it was working properly?
Isn't that true of everything anyone has ever sold on NC4x4?o_O

FWIW, it worked great last December when I first sold it to him :lol:
And I promise it works better than the guys who built his shop :redface:
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Don't know How this happened. Too tight area & stop signs, to gain any speed. It's a Intermobile trailer. Couldn't see the Truck. A block away I noticed a set of dual wheels had run across a residential yard. Maybe the same guy.
I should have turned on the wipers. Bet the Orange truck, was the toter!


  • IMG_20201111_111718499_HDR.jpg
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Those pics are so bad they almost look like a good watercolor painting. Well done!

That's a new Samsung S20+. Camera is great...until you get into the digital superzoom. I was shooting at about 25-30x, handheld. Mediocre at best, but better than no pics. Maybe.

I got my FF Nikon and big glass out if they come back to play some more.
Been watching 8-10 deer playing in the rain and water for the past half hour.

My offer still stands if you ever want to reduce their numbers!