Day 13 of my 13 days of Christmas (vacation):
The end of an era

Tended to the children while the wife did some painting. When naptime came along, little one didn't want to cooperate. He insisted on taking everything off the bed, and wouldn't sleep in the bed. So I decided to beat him at his own game. If he wants to put everything in the floor, he can sleep in the floor. He's a cuddle monster anyway, so I laid down for 5 minutes, he snuggled up against me, and he was out!
The figured I'd finish off the weekend and vacation with another pair of venison burgers. This time I snatched a prep pic and a better finished product pic.
Wife got the cabinet painted and back together.
Still gotta build some doors to finish it out. And do the other one on the other side of the fireplace. Should make a good project for 2021 Christmas Vacation

(Don't tell my wife I said that)
Circling back around to the shop, now that I had everything laid out for the dump conversion, it was time to start cutting.
Put all new consumables on the plasma for the first time since I've owned it, and was stoked to use it. Went over to the welder and to grab my gloves and helmet, and got a little surprise...
Have I told you how much I f'n hate mice?!?!?!

Little bastards built a dang NEST in my helmet. I didn't think to shoot a picture for the internet because I instantly grabbed it and threw it in the woodstove out of frustration!
As frustrating as that was, there was no need to dwell on it, so I decided to take my frustration out on the task at hand instead. First thing to do was cut off the entire hitch assembly. I don't want a hitch that rotates. I tell you what though, that first cut was tough to make on a brand new hi dolla bed
Plasma cut well and everything came off just like I hoped.
Next task was to modify the brackets that came with the kit to work right with how I wanted to lay things out. They are 1/2" plate, so there should still be plenty of beef
Honestly this was the ONE THING I wanted to get done on my two weeks off, and I didn't really even make any progress until the final few hours. I guess that makes sense. In college, I was the guy who would start on a 20 page paper at midnight the night before it was due for an 8am class. Master procrastinators are really just extremely efficient. Why waste time starting early when you can wait until the last minute