Random pic thread.

New fluffys

Mama hatched out 6 week first of last week. It's so much easier when they do it and you don't have to mess with them. Unfortunately they're not as tame as the ones you raise yourself tho.View attachment 349976

Well, we had 2 broody hens so I pit 2 under each. Woke up this morning to 1 hen having 3 and the other none. Chick 4 is MIA. No trace.

So we moved the other broody to the isolation coop for a fee days.
Amazon knows what's up.

Visited some of the wife's relatives up in Boone this afternoon. They bought a really cool place with a couple old waterwheels and a beautiful creek. The water wheels used to make power and are still super smooth and can be turned by hand.

This one is probably over 30ft tall.
View attachment 350087

And this one is nearly 10ft.(maybe more, :flipoff2: haters)
View attachment 350088View attachment 350089View attachment 350091
My grandfather had a stainless steel water wheel built to power a generator. Then he proceeded to mount it with no bearing on the shaft. It would only move a space or two every so often. He was a smart man but some times didn't think things through....
My grandfather had a stainless steel water wheel built to power a generator. Then he proceeded to mount it with no bearing on the shaft. It would only move a space or two every so often. He was a smart man but some times didn't think things through....
They have the opposite problem. Bearings are awesome, but the wheel was mild steel so most of the buckets are filled with dozens of holes.
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The have the opposite problem. Bearings are awesome, but the wheel was mild steel so most of the buckets are filled with dozens of holes.
Paint the buckets with black jack. I would be very tempted to get the gennys back running if the water source was still close by.
Paint the buckets with black jack. I would be very tempted to get the gennys back running if the water source was still close by.
It's still there, but everything needs a ton of work. Property has about a half dozen houses and as many buildings on it, all in various states of disrepair. Tons of potential, but metric shit tons of work.
It's still there, but everything needs a ton of work. Property has about a half dozen houses and as many buildings on it, all in various states of disrepair. Tons of potential, but metric shit tons of work.
Do they have plans for the property, it sounds amazing.
Do they have plans for the property, it sounds amazing.
Yeah, work on it :laughing:

They are living out of 2 of the houses, and renting 2 of them. Nice thing about a college town is people will pay good money for shit houses. I think the long term plan is to AirBNB some of it, and maybe event venue some of it, but that will be a lot more clear in a year or three when the dust settles.
I see lights and a switch. Maybe the doors needed some repair....
I see lights and a switch. Maybe the doors needed some repair....
The front section has an area lined with insulation with a baseboard heater in it also, not sure what it was used for.

I know it was owned by a mechanical contractor so maybe they used it as a mobile workshop or maybe an employee slept in it???