Random pic thread.

In Durham today!
Durham sucks. I lived there for 8 years, couldn't wait to get out.
So is there any reason you couldn't just mount a cooler to a powerwheels frame and ride it? Asking for a friend.
Our main welder at toner is a pretty clever redneck and major alcoholic. All of his kids do travel softball so he always out in the sun... cut up his dads old hoveround, turned it into an awesome looking giant remote controlled mobile cooler/bat/umbrella cart. Always thought it's amazing what can be accomplished out of laziness
Our main welder at toner is a pretty clever redneck and major alcoholic. All of his kids do travel softball so he always out in the sun... cut up his dads old hoveround, turned it into an awesome looking giant remote controlled mobile cooler/bat/umbrella cart. Always thought it's amazing what can be accomplished out of laziness
Laziness+enginuity is the combustion engine powering most new things in the world.
In my experience, if you swapped "Durham" and "Raleigh" in the above screenshot, it would also fit perfectly ;)
I have lived in Raleigh for 12 years and worked in Durham for almost the same amount of time. I hate both places for different reasons. We did get a Lidl grocery store a year ago......so we got that going for Raleigh!
/\ This /\

looks like a Razor scooter handle.
I will take some pictures later. Really simple. It is a razor scooter handle and PowerWheels wheels. Bottom of the yeti feet have holes. Just welded up some pieces to fit the holes and a ratchet strap holds it all together. Works exceptionally well. User to have casters on the front, but added other PowerWheels wheels to the front for more flotation.
So is there any reason you couldn't just mount a cooler to a powerwheels frame and ride it? Asking for a friend.
already done.
My buddy is a real estate agent and his last name is boozer. He was a dealer for them and his were called boozer cruiser

There are several twists ont he same thing out there
If you have a pipe wrench you have a clamp...

If you have a Dutch oven you have a skillet too.

Then you can make omelets the size of pancakes.


Mt Airy/Surry County Airport KMWK food truck fly-in today. The yellow Cherokee is mine, the red Arrow is my next door neighbor . Great time!
