Random pic thread.

Well, I found it, but im not sure if that's good or bad.
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You need a professional level pesticide dust like Tempo to start and a shop vac with a few inches of very soapy water to get the rest. You will get stung. You will need to get the nest out at some point and seal up that area.
You need a professional level pesticide dust like Tempo to start and a shop vac with a few inches of very soapy water to get the rest. You will get stung. You will need to get the nest out at some point and seal up that area.

Please take video...for educational and scientific reasons...
You need a professional level pesticide dust like Tempo to start and a shop vac with a few inches of very soapy water to get the rest. You will get stung. You will need to get the nest out at some point and seal up that area.
Should have stopped at "You need a professional."

Definitely something I would pay a professional to take care of...
You need a professional level pesticide dust like Tempo to start and a shop vac with a few inches of very soapy water to get the rest. You will get stung. You will need to get the nest out at some point and seal up that area.
What's that stuff been advertised on TV. Won't harm humans or pets, but shuts down Pest? O, right; I'm the only one still watching TV.:shaking:
Yeah definitely calling someone else to do this one.
They are no joke when agitated.

Last summer they would swarm around my porch lights. I killed them with a heavy duty plastic dust pan because a flyswatter was ineffective 😅

I set out several WHY traps early spring this year because my pest control company owning neighbor told me if you catch the queen while she’s still out flying around early the rest die.

I must have caught her, none at the house this year but I occasionally see/hear one at the back of the pasture when I’m processing firewood. They have a distinctive sound and their wing speed is multiples of a wasp.

I have a HF electric tennis racquet that is super fun on hornets and Carpenter Bees.

Tempo will get the Carpenter Bees too. Just dust some in their holes and every bee who goes in will die in a short while.

This was an average size one, some are bigger. They can sting you for several minutes after you wack em. They are the only true hornet in the US, the Bald Faced Hornet is actually a wasp. The Japanese hornets may be the 2nd if they get a foothold.

They are no joke when agitated.

Last summer they would swarm around my porch lights. I killed them with a heavy duty plastic dust pan because a flyswatter was ineffective 😅

I set out several WHY traps early spring this year because my pest control company owning neighbor told me if you catch the queen while she’s still out flying around early the rest die.

I must have caught her, none at the house this year but I occasionally see/hear one at the back of the pasture when I’m processing firewood. They have a distinctive sound and their wing speed is multiples of a wasp.

I have a HF electric tennis racquet that is super fun on hornets and Carpenter Bees.

Tempo will get the Carpenter Bees too. Just dust some in their holes and every bee who goes in will die in a short while.

This was an average size one, some are bigger. They can sting you for several minutes after you wack em. They are the only true hornet in the US, the Bald Faced Hornet is actually a wasp. The Japanese hornets may be the 2nd if they get a foothold.

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I thought that was a Japanese hornet?

Will seven dust kill them?
I thought that was a Japanese hornet?

Will seven dust kill them?
Japanese hornets are much bigger and I believe the only place they’ve been confirmed in the US is in Oregon.

Seven is pretty much played out on most pests and I would not use it on something like hornets.
Why not classic wasp spray?
Hell, I'll come over and give it a try.
If you can get to the nest well a foaming wasp/hornet spray works. In this case a dust would be better in my opinion, especially if you can rig up a duster on a long pole 🤣
Found this last night.

My interest is peaked because we have several either feeding or nesting in a large dying Oak. I suspect a nest. PROBLEM IS all these insecticides don't do well with our honey bees. They need dead so they don't feed on our hives.
Found this last night.

My interest is peaked because we have several either feeding or nesting in a large dying Oak. I suspect a nest. PROBLEM IS all these insecticides don't do well with our honey bees. They need dead so they don't feed on our hives.
If you can wait til mid winter they all die except the queen. Then try to clean out the nest or otherwise destroy her. That’s why catching her early spring is important, so the multiplying doesn’t happen.

An old fashioned liquid like Malathion which doesn’t have long lasting power might be better for your situation if you can get to the nest somehow. Be sure to include lots of soap in the mix it you’re going to try this as it knocks then down fast.

Another idea I have read about is ant bait that comes in a syringe. They supposedly will carry it into the nest and because it’s slow acting it may get the queen. If you do this close to the nest your bee impact would be minimal but it could still hurt them.
Also that light with the spinning blades in that article is bad ass!
I fogged my outdoor trashcan this morning with regular flyspray for the gnats that seem to like it and this guy flew out. first one I’ve seen up at the house this whole year. He didn’t like the Black Flag at all.


I believe the hornets are why we had so few apples this year. They will destroy the blooms. I plan to treat the ground around the trees with Dominion L (I keep it anyway to use as flea prevention on dogs and cats). It is systemic and will go up into the leaves and be gone by apple harvest time.

I plan to buy this gel from the article @WARRIORWELDING posted to try to get the bastages some this year. MAXFORCE CARPENTER ANT AND HORNET GEL 1 OZ. it supposedly doesn’t begin to work til they poop it so it will get the whole nest 🍺
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Nah I'm good. @braxton357 is gonna come do it. :laughing:
Please video it. 🤠

I texted my pest control neighbor about Drione vs. Tempo or Delta. He said Drione isn’t nearly as effective as the other two. I’ve used the Tempo and it is great.

Tempo dust, Dominion L and Onslaught will do about anything you need for bugs.
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If you can get to the nest well a foaming wasp/hornet spray works. In this case a dust would be better in my opinion, especially if you can rig up a duster on a long pole 🤣

Please video it. 🤠

I texted my pest control neighbor about Drione vs. Tempo or Delta. He said Drione isn’t nearly as effective as the other two. I’ve used the Tempo and it is great.

Tempo dust, Dominion L and Onslaught will do about anything you need for bugs.

No freeloading. My grandson in his new favorite hat and with my MIL, his great grandmother.

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Tempo also comes in a suspension. I'd spray the crap out of that corner with foaming hornet spray to knock them down and then soak it with tempo to catch all the stragglers that are out and about during the knockdown