Random pic thread.

I think the trouble is it is impossible to know exactly where the nest is under there. it could be inside the attic o_O
should I call my contractor back out to fix it and not mention the hornets? :laughing:
thats the easiest way to find out how many are in there :smokin:
I think the trouble is it is impossible to know exactly where the nest is under there. it could be inside the attic o_O
Good thing about tempo is the fact that the residual lasts a month. Spray all up in and around that gap, and you'll get them.
Today's view in salt lake
Yeah definitely calling someone else to do this one.
I'm sure there's an old post from me about getting stung in the palm of my hand from one of those SOBs. I was setting brick nails on a foundation w a chain in the 80s . I had set a nail and reached to grab my plumb bob/gammon laying on the ground, the SOB was on the gammon when I grabbed it. It felt like getting burned/electrocuted. I jumped up and ran, slapping and shaking my hand. When I stopped running I looked at my hand and the damn bug was still stuck to my hand w its hooks. I scrapped it off my hand and shook my hand again. Then I looked and saw the stinger had ripped out of the hornet and was still stuck in my hand. The poison sack was still throbbing and pushing poison in my hand and I scraped it out w my finger nails. In 5 mins. my hand looked like a clown glove, my fingers looked like sausages and were shiny, the pain was going up my arm to my shoulder. I went to the Burb, and ate 4 Benadryls. 20 mins later my chest, head and throat felt like they were in a vise and we headed to Rex. On the way I got better and told my coworkers to go back to the office. I could not use a hammer or axe for about 2 months w my right hand. I learned how to use them w my left hand. It took 6 months for the dime sized hole/crater that rotted in my hand from the sting to heal and a scar for years. Now I have bad arthritis in that hand and fingers and I'm sure it's from that damn bug....................don't mess w them yellow hornets.
I'm sure there's an old post from me about getting stung in the palm of my hand from one of those SOBs. I was setting brick nails on a foundation w a chain in the 80s . I had set a nail and reached to grab my plumb bob/gammon laying on the ground, the SOB was on the gammon when I grabbed it. It felt like getting burned/electrocuted. I jumped up and ran, slapping and shaking my hand. When I stopped running I looked at my hand and the damn bug was still stuck to my hand w its hooks. I scrapped it off my hand and shook my hand again. Then I looked and saw the stinger had ripped out of the hornet and was still stuck in my hand. The poison sack was still throbbing and pushing poison in my hand and I scraped it out w my finger nails. In 5 mins. my hand looked like a clown glove, my fingers looked like sausages and were shiny, the pain was going up my arm to my shoulder. I went to the Burb, and ate 4 Benadryls. 20 mins later my chest, head and throat felt like they were in a vise and we headed to Rex. On the way I got better and told my coworkers to go back to the office. I could not use a hammer or axe for about 2 months w my right hand. I learned how to use them w my left hand. It took 6 months for the dime sized hole/crater that rotted in my hand from the sting to heal and a scar for years. Now I have bad arthritis in that hand and fingers and I'm sure it's from that damn bug....................don't mess w them yellow hornets.
Dang! Do you have reactions to any other stings? Do you carry an EpiPen?

They definitely are the worst sting I’ve personally experienced. Makes a paper wasp sting seem downright lame.

I was at a rental checking out a bad case of Virginia Creeper on the exterior walls and stepped in a yellow jacket hole that sort of caved in. I have NEVER seen a swarm like that. I had possibly 100 stings and went directly to Clayton EMS a few blocks away. They jabbed me immediately, said I could have been in serious trouble had I waited.
No time to look it up, & I couldn't stop to check. What auto is this? Looks similar to a Hudson, but maybe not the tail lights. Not a Merc or Lincoln, that I can see.
Well, I Had to find out! It IS a Hudson. 1951 Hudson Hornet Coupe! I found a Restored one with pictures, at a Classic Auto Sales. But a shorter version is on You Tube > YouTube. It's a shame they don't make Beautiful autos, like this anymore. Only in Cuba. :shaking: