Random pic thread.

Driving today we breezed by this elementary school and a few hundred yards down the road the wife and I look at each other like WTF?! Turned around so I could snap a pic. Pay attention, this is an elementary school. And, I’m a total child.
Driving today we breezed by this elementary school and a few hundred yards down the road the wife and I look at each other like WTF?! Turned around so I could snap a pic. Pay attention, this is an elementary school. And, I’m a total child. View attachment 369689
Wet, Wild, and Woolly?
Its mindboggling to me that clinics still use these types of wired EEG system when way better, smaller, wireless, more comfortable things have been available for many years.

You can for instance get 95% of the same information from a single foam electrode set inside your ear (imagine a compressible eraplug with 2 wires coming out of it).
I had an overnight test at home a few weeks ago, Wrist worn monitor with pulse ox lead to finger tip, and a heart monitor adhered to chest. wear a minimum of 6hrs and the test is complete
(good thing, I had to put my current shit back on, me head was pounding after that due to lack of breathing, this was to get new stuff, before the existing completely fails)
I had an overnight test at home a few weeks ago, Wrist worn monitor with pulse ox lead to finger tip, and a heart monitor adhered to chest. wear a minimum of 6hrs and the test is complete
(good thing, I had to put my current shit back on, me head was pounding after that due to lack of breathing, this was to get new stuff, before the existing completely fails)
There's a new way to diagnose sleep stages based on muscle activity in your feet/ankles. So all you need is a little box strapped to your ankle.
[insert house arrest joke here].
Not sure if it is FDA approved yet
There's a new way to diagnose sleep stages based on muscle activity in your feet/ankles. So all you need is a little box strapped to your ankle.
[insert house arrest joke he
Not sure if it is FDA approved yet
all this new fangle sorcery to monitor, we haven't made millions on the last batch..... give us time.....

waiting for the most recent CPAP machines to be delivered, major back order because of recalls and of course covid supply chain blah blah blah..... which could also be why the newest latest greatest testing isn't used.....nah
I had a sleep study in Dec.
Deleted the pics but looked something like this .....


As far as the back order goes I just got my machine YESTERDAY !
Took 3 months. They are so far behind they are working 7 days a week to get them to people.
I had a sleep study in Dec.
As far as the back order goes I just got my machine YESTERDAY !
Took 3 months. They are so far behind they are working 7 days a week to get them to people.

Renee had a sleep study, and has been waiting on a machine for 8 months. Been checking with DME every month.

Machines have almost doubled in price since the shortage began. Some folks get them quicker, and you can get one immediately if you buy outright. I think part of her delay is that the insurance payment schedules have not kept up with the price increases, and you just don't get one until whatever insurance company you have gets their allowances caught up to the machine prices.

I definitely need a machine, have done the initial test and the titration night. Go back in April for follow-up appointment and get the Rx, then begin the wait.

I was having an apneatic event 54.5 times per hour, and "arousal" (no, not THAT....just waking up to breath/shift from REM to NREM) 80-90 times per hour.
It the fact it made me sleep like shit hopefully means I get something in return for my trouble = VA claim. The lady hooking me up said she works for two different clinics and the other one uses the high dollar new hotness. The Army, yep, still referring to the old and busted place.

This is my surprised face…..

Yep, keep waiting.
I've had two studies down, one 25 years back & the last one 10 years back. Different clinics, but they both used the same set up. Only, I don't recall Any wires or hookups, to my head. All chest connections.
Teaching the next generation the art of grilling. Savage style. I owe nobody an apology. The way of life will live on stronger than ever.
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Yeah I overnight a good bit of stuff that I have to pay dearly for, but for whatever reason McMaster overnights anything they have in stock in ATL for no extra charge. I ordered 120 worth of ss bolts last week (small handful 😭) shipping was $11. Arrived before lunch the next day.
I don't know what it is about McMaster, but they have the greatest shipping and handling dept of any business ever. I've NEVER received a bad shipment, and like you said most stuff is overnight. I've often joked they are the Chick-fil-a of the manufacturing world. They need to train other companies.
Guided some riders on Buckwheat Knob and Bennett Gap last Sunday. One of the newbies took this pic. Thought it was pretty cool
About 30 minutes later, my friend Stephanie on the far right decided to break her collarbone on a rock.
View attachment 369840
That's no fun, broke my left one as a kid twice, hope it was the non dominant side.
Guided some riders on Buckwheat Knob and Bennett Gap last Sunday. One of the newbies took this pic. Thought it was pretty cool
About 30 minutes later, my friend Stephanie on the far right decided to break her collarbone on a rock.
View attachment 369840
I had to change my reaction emoji three times. Your post had everything. The Oscar goes to...

Hope Stephanie heals up soon!