Random pic thread.

There are a couple of sppedbumps on my driveway near my neighbors house. Biggest offender has been Amazon. They delivered yesterday, and left us a bumper.View attachment 394706
I don’t know where they find their delivery drivers from but damn they are ruff on shit. I haven’t seen one of their trucks on the road that wasn’t beat to shit.
In Reidsville yesterday.

In Reidsville yesterday.

View attachment 394788
Looks like a cab and chassis from a 1978 4x4 F600 . I drove 4 speed w a drilling rig on the back in 80s w a big winch/bumper. That truck was a monster on the road and off road, pushing trees down to get to the boring sites. Going down the highway bouncing in the seat w the nasty off road tires!
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Tore down a Chevy 208 today knowing it was junk but hoping to salvage a few parts.Not so much.
Something got my duck night before last. Either a possum or a raccoon. Apparently Mr duck decided to bed down beside the fence and whatever it was reached through and got him. Chewed him up through the fence. Any one got a better idea of which predator I'm looking for?

Curiosity got the best of the family and we broke open a knockoff magic 8 ball Jonas got at a college recruiting day.
I'll be honest that I was not expecting what the inside was designed like. An extra little cylinder that holds the dyed fluid that the die floats in.
The lower black rim should go all around but it broke off when we cracked it open (using the delicate method of throwing it against the concrete walkway)