Random pic thread.

Where is this at?

Truck driver made a great choice right in front of Butler High school 30 minutes before dismissal time! He is blocking the whole road and is axle deep in the ditch which was surprisingly wet and soft ! lol
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Matthews PD was ON IT! I rode back by 30 minutes later and it was out and gone 10 minutes before dismissal time!
Been a crappy couple days. But, got the Farmall Super A going this afternoon! Still needs gone through and freshened up, but nice to move it under it's own power.


Adding insulation and new flooring to our sunroom.
I like leaving fun notes for my future self or some lucky next guy 20 years from now, this one including the price I paid for a 6pack of beer today for humor later among other notes about family life and info about the construction design situation.
Meanwhile Delaney decided to leave some artwork just for good feels.
We debated leaving a fake confession but that felt a little too far

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When you decide to go kayaking in the flooded bottoms in the dark.

This is a field. We crossed three property lines and floated over high tensile and barbwire fences.
The water was receding so fast coming back was rather difficult.
Buddy of ours who general leads us into shenanigans and we end up rescuing got a little too tipsy. He keep taking headers in the mud and at one point tried to use a row of corn to prop on.
He was picking briars, mud, and leaches off himself. Goofing and laughing the whole time.
I feel like this is not good fortune