Random pic thread.

Once people realize they can buy pork belly for a fraction of the price and season/smoke it themselves the better this world will be. It’s not rocket surgery!!
No, but you do have to stay on top of it to keep an inventory. Or you do a few and vacuum and freeze it. I was surprised just how many slices of THICK I got from one slab. And it’s damn yummy! It’ll be fun to play with various rubs.
No, but you do have to stay on top of it to keep an inventory. Or you do a few and vacuum and freeze it. I was surprised just how many slices of THICK I got from one slab. And it’s damn yummy! It’ll be fun to play with various rubs.
Look into proper salt curing and it will last for months.

If you whiners think the Mods are heavy handed here, try 'The Firing Line'.

Or worse, The High Road. (I can't even say that forums name without making a jacking off motion with my hand.)

You ain't kidding. The "high" road is right. They've got their head real high up their arse!
A bridge in the lobby and a wheelchair on the roof. Ya never know what you're gonna find on a renovation project.

