Random pic thread.

That would bug me, what if I wanted to move it?

One does not simply move a built-in table. Pick your chairs wisely. Might want to think about ADA compliance while you're at it as well. :D

A friend of mine just recently had one built and I'm not exactly up to date on codes but I'm pretty sure that when you cut an 8" hole through every 12" engineered joist to run ac flex duct, you might just weaken it a lil...

Engineered joists are probably the only thing that are actually able to be bored like that without problems. Assuming the design work was properly done, of course. Don't try that with traditional joists.
You can put some pretty huge holes in the joist at mid-span, because the joist is basically an I-beam and the lowest area of stress is in the middle. Round holes distribute stress the best as well.
At Gotwood Flooring we pride ourselves in delivering the highest quality products and services. Have our design team customize you home with a unique look or bring us your design. Don't forget our motto


That would bug me, what if I wanted to move it?

I will refer you to my earlier post...
Especially considering it actually has a Detroit it and not a gov-bomb.
Well it would just depends,The M1009's are Blazers and have a 10 bolt w a gov lok.The one pictured looks like a M1008 and it would have a Detroit.Seeing as how they are advertising for 10 people I doubt they are usin a M1009.
That would bug me, what if I wanted to move it?

...why move the bar/table? the column is'nt going anywhere and the table/top is badass and way better than a column all by itself. I think it would be cool to have a bar in the center of a room w about 360 access. If I could afford it I would cover the column w natural wood to make it look like a tree trunk holding up the ceiling and maybe some small solid shelves above the bar :smokin: .............that's some nice work for sure.
...why move the bar/table? the column is'nt going anywhere and the table/top is badass and way better than a column all by itself. I think it would be cool to have a bar in the center of a room w about 360 access. If I could afford it I would cover the column w natural wood to make it look like a tree trunk holding up the ceiling and maybe some small solid shelves above the bar :smokin: .............that's some nice work for sure.
Not that I would have to move it, the inability to do so is what would bother I.
What kind of hens are the ones w the big tail feathers or are they roosters?
They are just the roosters I dubbed their combs, three boys, nine girls and six little ones. They, along with a decent coop were my daughters Christmas present last year. She got a gift certificate for 15 bantams of her choice from Cackle Hatchery in Missouri. She received 16 in the mail in march and raised them all. We gave a friend three of the roosters and she was supposed to be gathering the eggs everyday but she decided to leave a few in the corner and one of the hens started sitting on them, hence the 6 babies. They are tame as can be and will come right up to you.
yeah I'm thinking that once that small box is loaded up, it's putting a lot of stress on the side of the big box.

Can somebody explain to me the advantage of having these tied together in a giant box instead of two? I'd think mobility would be higher as seperate boxes. And I don't know about you but mine very rarely move anyway.
yeah I'm thinking that once that small box is loaded up, it's putting a lot of stress on the side of the big box.

Can somebody explain to me the advantage of having these tied together in a giant box instead of two? I'd think mobility would be higher as seperate boxes. And I don't know about you but mine very rarely move anyway.

I think if I did want to tie them together I would have built a frame for both to set on, and use the HF casters on that frame.
unlike the rest of these kertikin heathens on here,I think you did a mighty fine job and was thinking out the box....kudos to you sir.
unlike the rest of these kertikin heathens on here,I think you did a mighty fine job and was thinking out the box....kudos to you sir.
Suck up.
Been seriously thinking about buying that same box. Let me know what you think about it
For the money it's nice! Drawers open/close smoothly with a little extra push to lock it shut. It will last me a lifetime for sure, just like the "Waterloo" box has held up for 15 years and been moved to 5 different houses and it is as good as the day I got it.

Looks good, but you have more faith than I do in Harbor Freight internal bracing and casterso_O

yeah I'm thinking that once that small box is loaded up, it's putting a lot of stress on the side of the big box.


I've hung on the very end of the box and neither flex with my 200# ass. It's also secured inside the box. For the smaller tools, electronics and such it won't have a single issue. I'm sure I could load it to the point of tipping the box over and not have any separation issues.

Can somebody explain to me the advantage of having these tied together in a giant box instead of two? I'd think mobility would be higher as seperate boxes. And I don't know about you but mine very rarely move anyway.

My garage only has a 7'door so larger vehicles won't fit, but I can roll all of my tool box into the driveway instead of making several trips.

unlike the rest of these kertikin heathens on here,I think you did a mighty fine job and was thinking out the box....kudos to you sir.
Thank you sir. Most of these schmucks only have a crescent wrench and a Phillips screwdriver for a tool set!