Random pic thread.

That catch basin looks like it would be in a good spot to change the oil in your vehicles. That must be their marketing strategy. Every neighborhood needs a good redneck :gitrdun:

I worked on a few hud projects, One In Clayton was not 1/2 complete w people moving in and someone/s stole all the iron grates out of the catch basins and some manholes. Leaving pitfalls all up and down the streets. They replaced them and they were stolen again ! The wire and fixtures in the houses being built were also being stolen routinely. Could not but noticed a lot of the new residents did'nt seem to have jobs and hung out on porches or walking up and down the streets alot.
I worked on a few hud projects, One In Clayton was not 1/2 complete w people moving in and someone/s stole all the iron grates out of the catch basins and some manholes. Leaving pitfalls all up and down the streets. They replaced them and they were stolen again ! The wire and fixtures in the houses being built were also being stolen routinely. Could not but noticed a lot of the new residents did'nt seem to have jobs and hung out on porches or walking up and down the streets alot.

I just got back from a work trip to China. Common for manhole covers to go missing. Locals will mark the missing ones by cutting a big branch off a tree and throwing it in the hole so they don't drive in the open hole. I asked my colleague why they use a branch. He told me when was the last time you saw a tree branch growing out of the road? It gets your attention.