Random pic thread.


Facebook fabrication groups always have the fuller types
I've never seen a plug blow out of a Pacifica, until the other day.. must've been over torque or cross threaded.
2017-07-19 03.12.59.jpg

Picture is post repair, resolution insufficient to show nice new threads, and yes I cleaned the crap out first before installing plug.
^^^ I knew a truck driver a while back that mostly hauled for the railroad, carrying rail car trucks and wheels down somewhere near Atlanta to be rebuilt. Said it was cheaper and faster for the railroad to hire it out by truck than to ship it via rail themselves. Go figure.
^^^ I knew a truck driver a while back that mostly hauled for the railroad, carrying rail car trucks and wheels down somewhere near Atlanta to be rebuilt. Said it was cheaper and faster for the railroad to hire it out by truck than to ship it via rail themselves. Go figure.

A local trucking company had a contract with USAir for many years hauling wheel/tires and plane parts from CLT to their service facility in KY. Basically it was the same thing, cheaper and faster by truck vs air.
I would have so picked them up and carried them home. Like finding a free tool on the side of the road. :)
Really cool yard art......but damn heavy. You would have to roll them puppies onto something.
Holy Christ...saw this from a guy out of Texas restoring a C10...whether it's your style or not, impressive as hell. If I were this dude, every show I'd roll up to, I'd laugh in 'you clear coat rust and call it custom'
