Random pic thread.

Im not much on bikes,street bikes anyway,but I sure did like this one

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Smith Brothers HD?
This is a topic I'll typically get pretty heated over, so I'll just say, I've been in the aerospace, armor and now pharmaceutical industries. And now the people that throw a piece cheese on a bun and forget the burger patty are making the same(-ish), as the people that put together your airplanes, provide your military safety and make the drugs that keep you alive (Using you/your generically). So now there are one of two options, increase pricing, so more people bitch about airplane ticket costs and cost of medicine...or outsource and lose jobs and get tainted medicines. /rant.
No matter what the industry, remember it's built by the lowest bidder. Gov't, private, medical, etc.
View attachment 250983 View attachment 250982
Idaho Falls air show this weekend. Pictures don't do it justice. This thing was super clean and ran like a new jeep.

I saw one in a warehouse in Durham on Friday, but in was nowhere near as clean or nice as the one in your pic. Older guy had a metric shit ton of vehicles in and outside of the warehouse and his nephew was helping him thin the herd. Saw it sitting in the corner, had dual wheels in the back and only one seat in the front. Looked cool but in very poor condition.
No matter what the industry, remember it's built by the lowest bidder. Gov't, private, medical, etc.

Ehhh...yes and no. For folks that don't do their research, and are strictly looking to make the quickest buck on paper, sure...but smart business is rarely handled that way. There have been several times I've stopped a company I work for from going to china because china cost 40% of keeping a project domestic. However, 50% of the china product comes back junk, 50% of the remaining parts have to be reworked in house anyway. So in the end that 60% cheaper cost us 20% more. Literally just went through this same deal with all our plasma/laser cut parts in the race shop too (domestic businesses of course). Steel industry has international trade cases all the time to prevent sub-par quality from diluting the market. Hell, every business usually has some semblance of a preferred vendor list...be it a buddy down the street, or a business dedicates resources to dealing with XX% of minority owned businesses, or because of a preference of certs/licenses/ISO approvals/etc. And these are rarely the cheapest.

What's more applicable is 'no matter what industry, you can have fast/cheap/good...pick two.'
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For folks that don't do their research, and are strictly looking to make the quickest buck on paper, sure...but smart business is rarely handled that way. There have been several times I've stopped a company I work for from going to china because china cost 40% of keeping a project domestic. However, 50% of the china product comes back junk, 50% of the remaining parts have to be reworked in house anyway. So in the end that 60% cheaper cost us 20% more.
Ugh. Come work in the BA/finance side where I work please. Our purchasing guys want to send everything to "Global value stream" countries a.k.a. China because their metrics are based on piece price and do not take into account quality, fit, delays, rework, etc. Then there's the customer perception when your multi million dollar part has made in China casting markings. Especially when the last couple you bought were marked from Germany or Austria.
Next time you are up that way hit up Ridgewood BBQ. My favorite BBQ in the world. Ridgewood Barbecue Restaurant
And their BBQ is way better than their website. Lol

I'll have to remember that, we don't get out that way much....my wife and mom are in Charleston for a few days so me and dad went for a little 75 mile drive in the '66.
