Random pic thread.

Back on the random picture track.

I turned around to notice the fridge standing wide open.

Hmm, why might that be. I better look a little closer...

Aha! The FRIDGE MONSTER strikes again!

I try to accost him, but he strikes back by saying "you go back ober dare" with a strong, clear hand gesture!

The Fridge Monster may have won the battle, but my stomach will still win the war!
Matt, your son looks just like a taller version of you.
And your milk:beer ratio is way off
I'm not a beer drinker, makes me fat and ornery. But you should see my liquor cabinet!

And I agree, he is awfully good looking!
I'm more concerned at the chemical looking containers in the lowest left-hand door shelf!
Now real close.


Was on the front of this....neat collection in Asheville. We went gingerbread house viewing. This was better for me.
The wife asked if I knew where a screwdriver was, I said yes...in my hand.
Should get aristocrat for this type of drink, you can get a gallon for the price of a fifth of K1.

Think it’s at the Grovewood Gallery next to grove park if my memory serves me right. Think I remember that from a couple years ago when I was working on their phones.

That makes sense. Got drug to grovepark to look at ginger bread house a couple years ago but didnt see any cars. Thought i had missed them.