Random pic thread.


When can I crash on the couch? :D

Thanks, we're excited! Pick it up on 2/3 :D

Nice!! Camper, or toy box? We want a gooseneck camper, well she does. I have a shit load of overtime to work for it haha.

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Both! 5th wheel toyhauler with 13ft garage, king master suite & 1 1/2 baths...Joe will be working lots of OT too :cool:
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Got my birthday present (and Christmas, anniversary, etc. til the end of time) from @Mulishajoe
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Nice setup! We have a cyclone 3950 toy hauler. Word of advice, only run lucas treated non ethanol and excercise the generator according to the manual like it’s your new religion. Cummins/Onan are awesome but picky and pricey when it comes to parts.

Teaching my youngest that he can’t sneak up on his old man.
Why doesn't Jeep just build that? They could charge $120k for it, and they would sell 50,000 per year.
Probably liability and NHTSA crash test requirements. They'd probably have to go through all the evidence it passed safety requirements etc.
Yeah I remember that. I used to run that route for FedEx. I was having a terrible day went down Brinkley Road saw that and thought hey my day could be a whole lot worse LOL it almost looked like it had rolled out of someone's driveway backwards down the hill and over on the other side of the road

He was cruising and just lost control all the sudden. It bent the trailer tongue and the cab of the skid steer but luckily his truck stayed upright. He had the trailer and skid steer fixed in a couple of days. He runs a fab shop and always amazes me what he can fix.
Yeah that was some bullshit. Almost ran over a gaggle of them bra burning bitches in my work truck when the ran across Biltmore ave in front of me.

Nobody bothered to tell them that the government is shut down? Kinda hard to have your political voice heard when the people who are supposed to be listening have closed down the government.
Nested in the truck camper tonight. Came up to Asheville NC for a friends b day and had no dog sitter. Parked in the mud, downhill, but warm, safe, and no DUI's. Got to try out my new steps though. And drank lots of good beer, and ate candied bacon.

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the weather warmed up and the snowflakes came out.
View attachment 261471
we had our regimental meeting yesterday in Raliegh downtown at the history museum. You wanna talk about feeling like the lone ranger humping 2 blocks to the building. I did wave and smile as is my norm with no responces back. Saw 2 of our guys walking to the building and honked at them and pointed.Asses saw me but didn't wave back.Jumped their tales inside about not waving and told them I wasn't a dyke in a pickup flippin them off.Next time wave.
That monument you pictured is to our first colonel and war time gov. Hopefully,nobody defaced it this time around.Alot of money was raised to restore it.
Nested in the truck camper tonight. Came up to Asheville NC for a friends b day and had no dog sitter. Parked in the mud, downhill, but warm, safe, and no DUI's. Got to try out my new steps though. And drank lots of good beer, and ate candied bacon.

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Where did you find all that buffalo trace?