Random pic thread.

Gotta have this tool NOW!!

Soo, I got a HF 90a fcaw... BAM!

Shows I was in a hurry.. only cut I had to make was to clear the socket and the short spacers on the backside. All the rest was in my useful scrap bucket.. With holes predrilled for my convenience. :)
Finally put wire mesh in on the trailer sides. Like working g with a bag of razor blades the way it was cut. All nice and smooth now though.

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Looks cool. Does that B pillar tie into the floor/frame at all or just sit on it?
Not sure how I missed the notification, but I have no idea, but it most certainly should. We didn't build this one, just coated it. I think b-pilar tie ins are definitely doable. It may be some sort of cage kit. Wether or not it came with tie-ins, is anyone's guess.
I assume you'd use that to attach a snatch strap or D ring to?
But it'd be a heck of a lot easier to jut have a straight tube w/ a hole in the end that a clevis sits in.