Random pic thread.

Last time I walk outside barefooted in the cold.

I went out a few minutes ago , hoping to see the same thing.

Just clouds.
With how crappy the weather's been here, I was amazed to see a clear sky. This is one of those times I wish I had a really good camera. Even the stars seem unusually lustrous.
With how crappy the weather's been here, I was amazed to see a clear sky. This is one of those times I wish I had a really good camera. Even the stars seem unusually lustrous.

I just spent the last 15 minutes freezing my ass off (wind chill here is currently -12) hoping to catch a glimpse of the moon between clouds .....

I did, and it was amazing!!!
Looking up w my 10x binos in a reclining chair, I notice Orion is close to the red moon like it's over his shoulder. I Imagine this spectacle frightened people for eons.

Especially with how much clearer the skies were thousands of years ago.
Crop circles on my carport.

Out the door on the way to church yesterday morning my wife said we had crop circles.
Condensation on the concrete from all the damp weather ...... but why the odd pattern?????
Any ideas?
Crop circles on my carport.

Out the door on the way to church yesterday morning my wife said we had crop circles.
Condensation on the concrete from all the damp weather ...... but why the odd pattern?????
Any ideas?
View attachment 284691
Snail tracks, or slug tracks rather. The slimy residue in their trail deters moisture for several hours.
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Snail tracks, or slug tracks rather. The slimy residue in their trail deters moisture for several hours.
...OR...squirrels conjuring satan
Don't know. Was sent by an old co-worker.

Definately rolled over completely. I've fixed a lot of flops, usually a full roll is totalled reguardless.

Which seam? I know a lot about the construction techniques. This one never had a chance. It occurred in my mind at a very high rate of speed. Complete loss of control. I fixed a unit that struck a very large oak tree stopped dead in the water. I have fixed units slid down on banks flopped. Fixed one hit at 60 mph by a half ton pick up sitting on scene. Pulled fence post out of the cab of another covered in blood. The list goes on.
When they do this a steer tire went off, over correction occurs, and finished by a water shift and broad side roll.

This operator was flying. Period.

From my understanding, the seam at the very front, A-pillar to roof.

All of our trucks are standard cab 2 seaters. I ad to do the EVD class in a custom cab and I hated it.

I agree, he was running too fast and dropped a wheel off, over corrected and lost it. Its easy for us to monday morning quarter back it. I would not ave wanted to be involved in that bad of a wreck.
...OR...squirrels conjuring satan
A lesser known fact(ual) note to look into at your own risk involves praying mantis. Interaction with one is rare. They are messengers dispatched by one or more spiritual entities (probably demonic) sent to inform the living of the upcoming death of a loved one.
If one lands near you and looks you in the face, you will lose a friend or pet.
If one lands on you, you will lose a family member with a shared bloodline.
It's proven to be true for myself and a good many others. You won't find it in writing from antiquity to present unless it was lost throughout the centuries. It's in no grimoire in my personal collection or throughout my network. I take ownership of that discovery. Maybe one day I can show you how.
Interaction with one is rare

About the only one I ever recall "interaction" with was this duder hangin in my driveway

Didn't look em in the eye or nuthin

"Glock 26 for scale"

Snail tracks, or slug tracks rather. The slimy residue in their trail deters moisture for several hours.
Bit cold fer slugs ain't it?