Random pic thread.

There will be good days and bad days. Enjoy the good days, because time goes by fast. The bad days will pass.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!.Things are rarely as bad in the morning as they were when you went to bed.Hold tight cause from now on years are gonna be about a min long,and to add get a farmers almanac and follow the signs.I know its sounds dumb but it worked for us.Would'nt take a million dollars for mine but would give you a dime for another one.

Parker Millsap at stage door in charlotte. Id say we had good seats.
Got to take a week of leave from Louisiana and come “home” to N.C. the wife had a laundry list so I got after it. I can’t wait for Uncle Sam to remove head from ass and actually let me move back here! Built our birthing shed (8’x32’ w/ 4’ over hang) individually gated and divided. Also built a milking/hoove trimming table for our animals. The ramp slides up and under the table for storage. It’s been a busy week for me.


Edit: sorry about the pic order
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Mowed some more grass & whatever today. Here's a picture of my blue clover carpet, in the rear section of my yard. Like someone was asking, what he could grow in a woody, partial shady, area? This! Over 15 years, I've spent Over a Thousand $$$$ on seed, fertilizer, straw, mats, lime, & Time! I can grow Rye, until it get's Hot. And some grass came up, but seemed to die as if it only lived off the fertilizer. Even had 2 different experts look & advise me. Couple years back some "ground cover" starting taking hold. Somewhat like a clover, but it makes it through the summers. That's good enough! Just Something to hold & cover the dirt!


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Roasted Peeps.
Signifies the official start of Spring in my house.

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Mowed some more grass & whatever today. Here's a picture of my blue clover carpet, in the rear section of my yard. Like someone was asking, what he could grow in a woody, partial shady, area? This! Over 15 years, I've spent Over a Thousand $$$$ on seed, fertilizer, straw, mats, lime, & Time! I can grow Rye, until it get's Hot. And some grass came up, but seemed to die as if it only lived off the fertilizer. Even had 2 different experts look & advise me. Couple years back some "ground cover" starting taking hold. Somewhat like a clover, but it makes it through the summers. That's good enough! Just Something to hold & cover the dirt!

Clover is getting to be a popular alternative to grass. My friend overseeds his yard with white clover to help his bees, and he told me about micro clover because I was looking for a grass alternative. The clover provides nitrogen for the grass too, which is pretty cool. There are micro clover and grass blends out there now too, which is what we'll probably use for overseed and infill. I'm just too much of a conservationist (hippie?) to maintain a grass lawn.
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The hell, I need to haul some of that scrap.

Someone else almost did but I was quicker with the cash and trailer. It’s only a 7k but will do most of what we need it to around my in laws. It’s going to be a social experiment to see which guys that used to help my father in law start coming around again.
My brothers little girl is 2 months old, David is 5 days old

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