Random pic thread.

I'm not a guy who is very form focused. Function over form, every.single.time.

However saw this stair case today and now...I want to rip a wall out of my house just to incorporate this look.

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^^^ thats funny. i drew almost that exact design for our house a couple months ago. of course it takes me forever to actually get around to working on our place... i blame the day job
I'm not a guy who is very form focuses. Function over form, every.single.time.

However saw this stair case today and now...I want to rip a wall out of my house just to incorporate this look.


I've seen many floating staircase designs that I want to do. I wish we didn't have a big return air duct under the stairs... That's a hard thing to hide, or to relocate in an existing house.

Interestingly, in NC I think you really need to have treads that thick, as the easy way to pass the 4" intrusion part of the code (or whatever that distance is).
I'm not a guy who is very form focuses. Function over form, every.single.time.

However saw this stair case today and now...I want to rip a wall out of my house just to incorporate this look.


What did the handrails look like? The treads are badass.
Is it just me, or had y'all rather see that lock washer under the bottom nut, at the end of the rod, rather than above the step? Or better, lockwasher in both places??

Either way, I think I'd put some red on those end nuts.
Lock washers on both sides for sure. If step was properly cantilevered and bolted...the handrail could be anything, but my first thought was how cool rail road tracks would be.
I think I'd use poly-locking acorn nuts on the bottom.

I'm curious about the anchoring into the wall.
is that a continuous bolt through the treads or multiples? Those lock washers are basically non-functional now, and the wood looks to be loaded in the wrong direction, but it is an awesome design.
Then I saw this and thought "BOOM."
Whenever you have 3 dimensions projected onto only 2, by definition there is information loss. Note the blue highlight is still incorrect.

Here's a fun related thought - in order to properly observe/quantify any entity, you need access to at least one more dimension than what that entity itself occupies.
E.g. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Whenever you have 3 dimensions projected onto only 2, by definition there is information loss. Note the blue highlight is still incorrect.

Here's a fun related thought - in order to properly observe/quantify any entity, you need access to at least one more dimension than what that entity itself occupies.
E.g. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions

Love that book....

And it has so many legal education uses for how this country was designed!!!
I saw this, and thought "man, that's pretty profound":

Ok I've actually studied this a bit, over a couple beers. Yes... it's Fri and I'm hangin at Woody's with the gals.

I see a round peg fitting into a square hole. You still can't fit a square peg in a round hole (of the same surface area).

Now proceed to slay me!

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