Random pic thread.


google it. they say it affects blood preasure and heart function. i have not researched it because i dont drink them. the only personal experience ive had was an electrician who drank them all the time. next time i was on a job i asked where he was. answer was had a heart attack. iirc he was 32 and in very good shape.
I'll put on my @Jody Treadway hat. If you drink 5 per day thats 40% of your sodium intake. I'll go a step further and say you eat shitty food. you're loading your body with that stuff. there's a reason they put people with heart conditions on "low sodium" diets.
I'll put on my fun police hat for a sec.
The bigger issue is the long list of ingredients after water.
That's a lot of fake drank right there.

Stick to coffee for your caffeine fix and lots of water for overall wellness.

There's a reason that overall healthy (I didn't say skinny, thin, strong, muscular, etc but healthy) folks stick to foods with as few ingredients as possible. Real food FTW!
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I've cut out soda altogether except for one sugar free monster a day.

Trying to switch over to coffee but haven't quote got it yet
I've cut out soda altogether except for one sugar free monster a day.

Trying to switch over to coffee but haven't quote got it yet
Best thing I ever did for my sugar issues. Boarderline diabetic. Runs in both sides of the fam.
Considering I drink coffee all day if available. Leaded. Hav a cup served a few places I've worked......1 pm 90 degrees out. Who wants a cup.
I was strictly diet soda Any Way but I consumed....too much. Like I was getting into clinical mice dosing levels . 2-3 2 liters per day plus a 20 oz or 2 of diet mt dew.

First switch was to unsweet tea, just natural no sweeteners.

Then started cutting my tea with water.

Now I'm drinking roughly 1.5-2 gallons of water a day. It also helps curb my appetite .

3 weeks in to working out with a personal trainer for 60-90 minuyes 4x a week.

Running at 2,000 to 2,100 kcal/day.
Militant tracking everything I eat.

All this is driven by being fatter and un healthier than I'd ever been in my life.
If I'm being honest the weight isn't falling off as fast as I'd hope it would or as fast as it has in the past. But I'm convinced this is a permanent life style change.

I've told my entire family I'm giving this approach 100% commitment until 12/31/17...if I don't see significant changes then I'm going to binge or cocaine and crack until i aint fat, then enter rehab