After midnight on a rainy, cold, dreary November night I lay here sleepless thinking about random stuff.
Quick discussion on reincarnation?
Great idea! I'll start....
I've always liked the idea of reincarnation and I think it is plausible. There's just one thing that I've never been able to wrap my mind around, and that is, how many souls are there in the world, and which souls get chosen (or perhaps contain enough energy) to make the instantaneous transfer from one physical being to another. The notion that only humans have souls is bonkers, and here's why: the number of humans grows by the second. At the beginning of recorded history when there were only a few hundred thousand humans on Earth, and that number stayed constant, then it would make sense, but it doesn't. To create a soul takes a lot of work just to keep issuing new ones for a growing population, then to decide who gets a new or who gets a transfer doesn't seem logical.
If the souls of all living creatures and humans combined were interchangeable, would that number be more consistent?