Random Thoughts.....

A small cat ran across the road in front of me on my way in to work this morning. I brake checked so I wouldn't plow it...

...it occurred to me that was the most kitty I (almost) got in an incredibly depressing amount of time.


You always regret the ones you didnt "hit"
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Sooooo, i tore my rig all to hell at the Dixie Run last September. Finally got it fixed, loaded on the trailer and going wheeling tomorrow for the first time in 6 months.
What could possibly go wrong?
@Susan5679 will tell you fawkers the truth. I promise...

I for one had a blast! Beautiful place and great company! Can't wait to go again! Thank you @Paul
Needed to weld up a 5/8" hole in a mild steel tab last night. Thought I'd try a trick I had seen on Trucks. With my welding glove on, I held a penny behind the hole, turned up the wire feed and set the amps around 120. Pulled the trigger and...
I have a 0.030" hole in my left index finger now.

This is why I keep scrap aluminum around for welding up holes in steel.
Bronze fellas....works great and near zero contaminates.
Chemical reactions are strange.
Take brake clean for example...
Spray it on powdercoated metal, eats it right off. Spray it on your hands for years on end and it'll cause nerve damage. Spray it on brake parts, clean a a whistle.

Spray it on a wasp and they'll get pissed off and sting you straight in the face.

.......light the stream w a lighter and burn that sobs wings off :sniper:
K&N Air Filter Oil.
It doesn't kill them, but it gobs up their wings so they can't fly and they drop.
Then they just lay there .....
Staring at you .....
Filled with horror .....
Of the approaching giant shoe .....
That squashes them .....

I'm allergic and hate bees.
A wind turbine and a rectifier are hanging out at a music festival. The wind turbine asks the rectifier “what’s your favorite type of music?”, to which the rectifier responds “AC/DC.” Then the rectifier asks the wind turbine “How about you, what type of music do you like?” Wind turbine says “I’m a big metal fan.”

[drops mic]
How many times are they gonna play that shitty 21 Savage song?

A lot.
05 sequoia. Bearing noise.

Never before had I had a vehicle come in that sounded like front wheel bearing noise, behaved like front wheel bearings, the front bearings even had some noise rotating the wheels.

After replacing the right front last Saturday, and the left front this Saturday. I discovered the bloody bearing noise was still present.. and sounding like the front. The bearings were properly pressed in. Being a rwd, I decided to put it back up on the lift and run it up to a noisy speed. Sure enough, the noise showed up, from the rear, sounding like the front.. grrrrrrr. At least I located the source but that doesn't make me feel any better about having likely unnecessarily changed two serviceable bearings. Plus AAP changed their Saturday cut off time for ordering parts and after 3pm Saturday, the parts will not arrive until Monday, and this vehicle has to be in service M-F. I guess next Saturday I'm replacing both rear WB.

Maybe this post more belongs in things that suck ass. Oh and I guess this proves, no matter how long you have been doing something... There's sometimes that one thing that will throw you for a loop. oh and you should take nothing for granted and should not ass-u-me anything to be arbitrarily true. To save face, money, and (most importantly) time, and prove all things to be assumed.
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I can't decide if Ford makes their stuff easier to work on or I've just got used to working on Ford stuff because I've had to do it so much.
05 snothinwd. Bearing noise.

Never before had I had a vehicle come in that sounded like front wheel bearing noise, behaved like front wheel bearings, the front bearings even had some noise rotating the wheels.

After replacing the right front last Saturday, and the left front this Saturday. I discovered the bloody bearing noise was still present.. and sounding like the front. The bearings were properly pressed in. Being a rwd, I decided to put it back up on the lift and run it up to a noisy speed. Sure enough, the noise showed up, from the rear, sounding like the front.. grrrrrrr. At least I located the source but that doesn't make me feel any better about having likely unnecessarily changed two serviceable bearings. Plus AAP changed their Saturday cut off time for ordering parts and after 3pm Saturday, the parts will not arrive until Monday, and this vehicle has to be in service M-F. I guess next Saturday I'm replacing both rear WB.

Maybe this post more belongs in things that suck ass. Oh and I guess this proves, no matter how long you have been doing something... There's sometimes that one thing that will throw you for a loop. oh and you should take nothing for granted and should not ass-u-me anything to be arbitrarily true. To save face, money, and (most importantly) time, and prove all things to be assumed.

Try wheel bearing replacement on subarus!
It's never the first one you replace, because they all always need more than one.....