Random Thoughts.....

Quoted for truth. Will share on fake book as well.
Thanks I wrote it thinking about a few things after work one morning.
I think my kid is part duck. Last night in the bath he was just sitting there, then he faceplants into the water and springs right back up grinning ear to ear. Did this the whole time. Giggling harder each time.
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I hope my kid never grows up to be a slamming weights around, never re-racking, making a bunch of noise gym douche.

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Most of the time I can deal with the slamming weights around guys and the loud grunting guys (I'm guilty of this on certain exercises), but the never re-racking guys have got to go! There is no excuse for that.
So let's define "never reracking" a little better. I'll leave a pair of 45s on the leg press or other equipment where most people are using at least that much weight.
Unracked weights tend to lead to lots of burpees at our gym. We don't have a problem...

Slamming weights is fine...just don't be slamming 10s or 15s down as they tend to break...
So let's define "never reracking" a little better. I'll leave a pair of 45s on the leg press or other equipment where most people are using at least that much weight.

I prefer to walk into a weight room to start my workout and there not be any plates loaded on anything.
If half of you people had real jobs you wouldn't need to go to the gym. I bet i get more exercise than 90% of the public.
Cant like this enough
Anyone who claims that animals don't find as much comfort in music as we do is full of shit. They do. Try it.
The living room remote has a designated spot next to my recliner. Watch tv, put it back when you’re done. Simple. This means that it gets placed anywhere but there. I don’t usually realize it until I’m already reclined. I then must get up and summon my tracking skills. Today, after flipping the living room, I find it next to the kitchen sink. I’ve found it in the bathroom, laundry room, and all over. I really enjoy it when they mix them up with the lookalike remotes from other rooms. First world problems, but a problem nonetheless.
The living room remote has a designated spot next to my recliner. Watch tv, put it back when you’re done. Simple. This means that it gets placed anywhere but there. I don’t usually realize it until I’m already reclined. I then must get up and summon my tracking skills. Today, after flipping the living room, I find it next to the kitchen sink. I’ve found it in the bathroom, laundry room, and all over. I really enjoy it when they mix them up with the lookalike remotes from other rooms. First world problems, but a problem nonetheless.

I bet you won’t leash it to a table, hotel style. And the leash better say, “this is why we can’t have nice things”. No balls, at all.
If it really bothers you that much, then yes, a retractable leash is what you need.
Why has my 14 year old Stihl backpack leaf blower, and both of my 15+ year old Stihl chainsaws never fouled a spark plug while every 2-stroke dirt bike I ever owned would foul a plug after 2-4 rides?