Random Thoughts.....

It seems to me that if you've had all of that physically changed, including the genitalia surgery, then it's pretty obvious this isn't just a case of "I think I might feel like a woman", being a little confused, or using it as an excuse to be in another prison.
Clearly the real deal at that point. Let 'em go to the women's prison.
So you'd feel the same if it were a woman who wanted to become a man? physically looked like a man. Should go to a men's prison?
My thing is, no matter what you do or how you look, you are always going to be what God made you. I can do everything I can to appear to be an Asian man, but I'll never be an Asian man.

If you make the decision to become another gender, then maybe be a little more careful about the choices you make that could possibly land you in prison.
So you'd feel the same if it were a woman who wanted to become a man? physically looked like a man. Should go to a men's prison?
My thing is, no matter what you do or how you look, you are always going to be what God made you. I can do everything I can to appear to be an Asian man, but I'll never be an Asian man.

If you make the decision to become another gender, then maybe be a little more careful about the choices you make that could possibly land you in prison.

reductio ad absurdum: So if you are born with both sex organs and commit a crime, do you sevre double the sentence once in each sex jail? Or do they just cut you in half and let each serve its own sentence?
I mean since God made you that way...
So you'd feel the same if it were a woman who wanted to become a man? physically looked like a man. Should go to a men's prison?
My thing is, no matter what you do or how you look, you are always going to be what God made you. I can do everything I can to appear to be an Asian man, but I'll never be an Asian man.

If you make the decision to become another gender, then maybe be a little more careful about the choices you make that could possibly land you in prison.
Yes, I would - at least if they had ALREADY had the change. That shows that that its a real thing for them. They're committed.
The only argument not to is if that would endanger their safety - and that's not to be overlooked. Unfortunately I suspect that a former female in a men's prison might not fair too well. But that's a different scenario.

As far as what your "thing is", you're entitled to your opinion. But most transgender folks "thing" would be to argue that God "made" them screwed up, a man in a woman's body or vice versa; the brain and body don't match, and it is a physiological flaw to be fixed.
If God made you with cataracts, is it wrong to get them removed? If God made twins conjoined at birth, should they not be separated... because thats how God made them? What about born with a heart defect?

As for being "extra careful" b/c of having had a change... I think @Ron hit that on the head already.
That all explains why back in 2005, when I was young and tried fixing my own stuff, and thought, oh I'll just take it to the Jeep dealer - they're the dealer and can fix it right... Wrong. They cut quick connects off my brand new lines that I bought, all the way from trans to radiatior on my xj, and hose clamped them! Then they proceeded to tell me (after TELLING them to replace the oil pan gasket - because I couldn't get it to set right) that the rear main seal was pouring oil and the trans needed to come out.. on an xj. Dumb fawks. They went out of business the following year. That was when I started down the path I've now carved out as a living. I figured if their "a-tech" could do that, I could do far better than any one else in the mechanic field if I set to it. (At that time, at least for myself) since then I have given up on my actual intentions of employment and wandered through one and another trade and finally settling in mechanics (the whole while working mechanics, making more than I did on any other job I held - even when green, but I wasn't working at a dealer, but for individual and small shops until I started my mobile service & moved into a shop. I'm considering launching one of my part time techs into mobile service, since he wants to. But this is a lot more story than I intended to discuss here.
This is why I think all makers constantly change and upgrade ludicrous amounts of tech for little to no gain. Stealerships maintaining maintenance is huge. Kinda like big pharma and medical industries.

For the life of me I believe some advancements are huge, but half the fluff is retaining a second customer base.
This is why I think all makers constantly change and upgrade ludicrous amounts of tech for little to no gain. Stealerships maintaining maintenance is huge. Kinda like big pharma and medical industries.

For the life of me I believe some advancements are huge, but half the fluff is retaining a second customer base.
The problem with those conspiracy theories is the manufacturers don't own dealerships and don't benefit off warranty labor.
This is why I think all makers constantly change and upgrade ludicrous amounts of tech for little to no gain. Stealerships maintaining maintenance is huge. Kinda like big pharma and medical industries.

For the life of me I believe some advancements are huge, but half the fluff is retaining a second customer base.
This would explain why I have to pull the front bumper off of my wife's fusion to change the headlight.
The problem with those conspiracy theories is the manufacturers don't own dealerships and don't benefit off warranty labor.


Dealers backcharge the manufacturers for warranty work, so manufacturers lose money for warranty work. Warranty work is good for dealers, and bad for manufacturers.

This would explain why I have to pull the front bumper off of my wife's fusion to change the headlight.

The headlight assembly, or just the bulb? It's pretty common to have to remove the bumper to replace the headlight assembly, because part of the bracketry is usually buried under the edge of it, or the assembly has to come out forward because it is underneath the core support and can't come rearward into the engine bay because there is a stamping on the other side. The headlight assembly isn't a frequent maintenance part though, any more than saying "I had to drop the gas tank to get to the fuel pump".
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Dealers backcharge the manufacturers for warranty work, so manufacturers lose money for warranty work. Warranty work is good for dealers, and bad for manufacturers.

The headlight assembly, or just the bulb? It's pretty common to have to remove the bumper to replace the headlight assembly, because part of the bracketry is usually buried under the edge of it, or the assembly has to come out forward because it is underneath the core support and can't come rearward into the engine bay because there is a stamping on the other side. The headlight assembly isn't a frequent maintenance part though, any more than saying "I had to drop the gas tank to get to the fuel pump".
Per Ford, to change the bulb.
The problem with those conspiracy theories is the manufacturers don't own dealerships and don't benefit off warranty labor.
So along those lines of thinking.....dealers or investors don't appreciate the revenue stream generated by needed repairs? The manufacturing groups don't benefit from part sales and the continual cycle of replacement with no conforming year to year applications?

Believe me I'm not narrow minded enough to fault just the dealer. They are a cog in the wheel of automotive greed.
New boots seem to feel better when someone else pays for them.
So along those lines of thinking.....dealers or investors don't appreciate the revenue stream generated by needed repairs? The manufacturing groups don't benefit from part sales and the continual cycle of replacement with no conforming year to year applications?

Believe me I'm not narrow minded enough to fault just the dealer. They are a cog in the wheel of automotive greed.
I think its more complex than that.

Typically (and my experience is in the industry but not direct consumer automotive dealer so YMMV)warranty replacement parts are not sold to the dealer but "supplied at no cost". This is typically why you can’t keep your warrranty failed part because the dealer has to send it back to the factory or they get charged for the part.

Then you have the loss of brand equity issue and reduced customer confidence.

Additionally dealerships dont really like warranty work because
A) the factory pays a reduced per hour rate
B) the factory pays a fractional hour

For example when I worked for a major NA OEM ever job had a "book time"...most are familiar with this.
Lets say a head gasket job on a classic inline 6 cylinder diesel engine.
The book might allow 8 hours to RRR the head gasket and the dealer labor rate might be $90/hour.
If you brought your equipment in there and we could complete the job in 4 hours we could charge you $90x8 and collect $720 labor.
However if the tech was a bozo (or something legit like a TTY head bolt snapped in the blcok and had to be extracted) and took 12 hours we could then charge you 90x$12 or $1,080 labor.

But if its a warranty repair...then the mothership had a contracted labor rate of $67.50...and a 75% hour multiplier. Meaning no matter how long that repair took we were only getting $405.

If you have ever experienced a dealership try to deny a warranty claim...even a legit one...this is the logic flow behind it. Dealerships hate warranty work. Its nearly a losing proposition...and this gets misguided and taken out on the customer.

When I was in that world I had this old curmudgeon of a service manager. He'd been kicked all over the company. I loved him. No one could understand it. This dude couldnt talk to a hooker without offending her. We even put a dude on payroll just to be a customer service rep to do nothing more than talk to customers FOR our service manager.
What sense did that make? Get a better service manager you say?
This geezer did 15 years in the Navy working on these engines and his specialty was bookkeeping. In short he knew engines isnide and out and knew how to make documentation. He would memorize the service anuals and without ever fabricating a thing...he'd print money.
Was the bolt a little hard to restart?
Ok .25 hours thread repair.
Did you check the oil before starting repair?
Ok .25 hours diagnostic of oil system.
Etc etc etc...Love that old man...but its a lost art. To put his value in perspective I ran a branch that my last year processed $3.5MM in warranty work orders. The year before he was my SM we had 74% warranty capitalization rate. The year he came over it went to 117% You do the math at 60% service labor profit margin and tell me what he was worth...It was a lot more than that $35,000/yr phone clerk and more than the $10k bonus I gave him that Christmas...
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Sounds like a Bernie Sanders campaign slogan.

Nah. Company forced me into a position that requires me to be in the field, so I got some new steel toes on company dime.
without ever fabricating a thing...he'd print money.
Was the bolt a little hard to restart?
Ok .25 hours thread repair.
Did you check the oil before starting repair?
Ok .25 hours diagnostic of oil system.
yes, there's writing an invoice and then there's knowing how to write an invoice to look good.
yes, there's writing an invoice and then there's knowing how to write an invoice to look good.

And then there's pissing off your customers. Had to have Capital Ford in Raleigh do something to my work truck one time, back around 2000. Wasn't anything big, I think the total was under a hundred bucks. When I went to settle up, I looked over the invoice. They had tacked on a 25 cent "documentation fee". I called them on it...it was the cost of the 3 part form that the invoice was printed on! Uh, isn't that overhead that ought to be covered along with the building, heat, admin people, etc??
And then there's pissing off your customers. Had to have Capital Ford in Raleigh do something to my work truck one time, back around 2000. Wasn't anything big, I think the total was under a hundred bucks. When I went to settle up, I looked over the invoice. They had tacked on a 25 cent "documentation fee". I called them on it...it was the cost of the 3 part form that the invoice was printed on! Uh, isn't that overhead that ought to be covered along with the building, heat, admin people, etc??
Right...the break down is you need those line items to get reimbursed from the manufacturer...but you dont want your customer really to see that. But 2 systems is complex and gives a bad impression to the factory etc...so you get that
It's a very surreal experience to be between two cars when someone backs up. You hear things cracking and crushing and think, "Wow they are backing into this vehicle". Then the pain hits and you realize that YOU are what they backed into.....

Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
It's a very surreal experience to be between two cars when someone backs up. You hear things cracking and crushing and think, "Wow they are backing into this vehicle". Then the pain hits and you realize that YOU are what they backed into.....

Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Dude you ok?
Dude you ok?
Thankfully no major lasting damage. Just internal bruising of soft tissues. Cant say much as its currently an insurance matter. Maybe one day I'll tell the tale.

Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
F#♤k Burger King!

After waiting in line for 30-40 minutes, they left my son's cheeseburger out of his damn kids meal..... WTF?

My 6yr old starts pulling his stuff out and just starts bawling the awfullest crying I've heard in a while, and days they forgot his cheeseburger..... I about hit the roof. Dont mess with my wife, and dont mess with my kids, BK done messed with my kid......

Its probably a good thing my leg is in a brace otherwise I'd been out the door and telling them some.not so nice things that may have gotten me locked up.

Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
It's a very surreal experience to be between two cars when someone backs up. You hear things cracking and crushing and think, "Wow they are backing into this vehicle". Then the pain hits and you realize that YOU are what they backed into.....

Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Thankfully no major lasting damage. Just internal bruising of soft tissues. Cant say much as its currently an insurance matter. Maybe one day I'll tell the tale.

Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Dang, I thought your first post was a joke. Thank goodness you're not hurt worse. Hopefully you heal up quickly and smoothly.