Random Thoughts.....

we dont have the Christmas spirit this year. no tree, no lights. havent even taken the fall decorations off the front door. 1/2 into December, gone this weekend. next weekend we are home then we are gone again for the next 2 weekends so whats the point.
we dont have the Christmas spirit this year. no tree, no lights. havent even taken the fall decorations off the front door. 1/2 into December, gone this weekend. next weekend we are home then we are gone again for the next 2 weekends so whats the point.

We sorta forced ourselves to put up a tree this year. With Thanksgiving coming in so late, seems like Christmas came out of nowhere.
Jack Daniels says Fuck It All tonight.
We sorta forced ourselves to put up a tree this year. With Thanksgiving coming in so late, seems like Christmas came out of nowhere.
We are forgoing the real tree this year, just a artificial one. Didn't even want to spend $50 on a 6' at Lowes, we are heading north for Christmas this year. First time we won't have a real tree in 15yrs.

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The roar of the wood stove, the whir of the meat grinder, and Christmas songs. It's the redneck Christmas trifecta!
It's a whiskey and ice cream kind of night.
I have never tried this, tell me more....

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Vanilla based things, or a butter nut etc, with a good bourbon is quite delicious. Esp on ice so the whiskey is nice and cold.

Unfortunately last night all we had in the house was mint choc chip, which was not a great combo o_O. But I was still rather happy I ate it.
I mean, a beer is basically a liquid pancake. All you need is an egg to go with it.
This from a friend, "11am Sunday morning enjoying a perfect day on the back deck drinking a beer, the wife comes out and asks what the hell am I doing, didn't have the heart to tell her it was my third one."

The hell man, has she not saw the coors light commercials? Theh show you that it's ok to drink on Sundays for breakfast and football, and in the shower, and when you get home from work and want to take your bra off and let your moobs breathe. It's cool man.

I mean, a beer is basically a liquid pancake. All you need is an egg to go with it.

Pickled eggs. Gives those questionable farts a little extra taste for the aroma they leave behind.

Don't half ass 2 things, (beer and breakfast), hole ass one thing. - Ron Swanson.
Pickled eggs. Gives those questionable farts a little extra taste for the aroma they leave behind.

As a teenager, I used to prime tobacco for several local farmers in Hamptonville NC.
One would get up early and ride around and pick us all up on days he primed.
I could tell when he had been up all night drinking 'shine and eating pickled eggs with his buddies ......
the cab of his pick-up would be empty and there would be a truck bed full of teenagers!

I trust a fart about as much as I trust the government right now. Serious case of the mud butt today.

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Farts are much more useful as well.
Note to self: even though I know gun control is a hot topic, I often forget there are folks around me not comfortable with anything firearms related. So when you check out with 675 shells and feel the eyes upon you...it doesn’t help saying ‘oh, this is just for the break in period’. It really doesn’t help if you’re wearing a full length coat.

Related note...Dick’s is having a 20% off sale on shotgun shells.