Random Thoughts.....

So i separated from my ex wife 3 years ago and divorced after 35 years of marriage.
Swore i would never date again...

Then i met a chick through a mutual friend who had never been offroading in her life.
Our first "date" was her riding with me @Harlan for 3 days.
She never flinched even going through Lion's Den.
She started hanging out at my crib after we got back and i was clueless.
Till my daughters said,
"Daddy, that girl likes you" Duh on my part...

So then i swore that i was never getting married again and nobody is EVER moving in with me.
After 2 years, she puts up with my jeep shit, my gun shit and reloading shit.
As well that every boat i buy sinks. along with this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ stuff.

Still not ever getting married again.
But she's moving in with me this weekend.
But you'll have that.

Yo @Susan5679 !

I told you to run from my crazy ass a long time ago, didn't i?

'Dre out...
Glad you’ve found someone as crazy as your old ass. Happy for you both!
I still haven't met her but I know she's crazy...
Congrats dude. You deserve someone good in your life.
This is one that happened to me today, first thing in the morning, say "Good morning" to a co-worker and get a go-to-hell look and no verbal response, same person that has no skills or qualifications to be there, personality of a "Florida Cracker" (think your better than everyone else with your 4th grade education!). Something is going to change!

That's why they put the box on wheels!
Congrats to the both of you from me and @AK47Farms!! Always remember the door is always open here in Aberdeen if you need a place to crash when over this way!! Like, the both of you, together and stuff lol.
Still not ever getting married again.
But she's moving in with me this weekend.
But you'll have that.

Yo @Susan5679 !

I told you to run from my crazy ass a long time ago, didn't i?

'Dre out...

Yes you told me to run, you didn’t specify which way; so now you are stuck with me. I love your crazy ass too much to let you go. Still in shock at the moment that you asked me to move in. I’m gonna love waking up next to you and the fur babies every morning. And to have many more adventures!

Hey! Get a room!!!
Riding around with my daughter (16) in her truck with her phone playlist rolling on random...pop and trash country music playing and she’s singing along.
Thinking to myself ..have I failed as a father?

Then we get this and she singing every word. So I ain’t totally screwed it up.

Riding around with my daughter (16) in her truck with her phone playlist rolling on random...pop and trash country music playing and she’s singing along.
Thinking to myself ..have I failed as a father?

Then we get this and she singing every word. So I ain’t totally screwed it up.

View attachment 310762

Siri and Alexa say the reflection isn’t good enough for retina scan. However they say they too heard the lyrics by watching the vibrations on the glass.

So here is the random thought/ something I learned today. There are only 2 genetically colored eggs from chickens. White and blue. All other colors of eggs are only a surface layer of color which is caused by a coating called a bloom. A bloom is an enzyme coating the chicken applies as the egg is popped out (which is why farm fresh eggs are shelf stable) and produces all the other colors of brown, tan, off white, speckled or whatever.
So here is the random thought/ something I learned today. There are only 2 genetically colored eggs from chickens. White and blue. All other colors of eggs are only a surface layer of color which is caused by a coating called a bloom. A bloom is an enzyme coating the chicken applies as the egg is popped out (which is why farm fresh eggs are shelf stable) and produces all the other colors of brown, tan, off white, speckled or whatever. View attachment 310857

Yep as long as you do not wash them they can sit on the counter.
Also.. throw chalk on the ground for colored egg shells.. I thought dude I worked for on the farm years ago was pulling my leg when my chalk box spilled blue chalk. Walk in a day two later, and he goes, you didn't get the chalk cleaned up did you? Blue egg sitting on his desk. How you supposed clean up chalk on the dirt anyway?

My random thoughts: been a member here 10 years today. And 2014 caddy cts has far too many features and buttons to try to use..I looked for 5 minutes for a gas door open switch - every other caddy has one. Nope. Just push on the fuel door to open.. and no gas cap -how the hell do you lock it so people can't sabotage it?
If it's like my VW, the fuel door actually locks when the doors are locked.

One more thing to add cost and fail just out of warranty.
hmm maybe..

For sure on fail just out of warranty - need to overhaul the AC system and it's 1234yf - so more tools needed. Oh and way too damn much electrical doodads to go wrong with it.. motorized control panel that lifts up to access a cubby? Nice thought but I can see that screwing up. Heads up display, Lane alerts, steering wheel & seat moves every time you get in or out (I absolutely hate that feature.. I think it causes the seat motors and stuff to die early. (I'm also not a power seat guy - too many moving parts to fail).. nice feature is the headlight follows your turn. I still don't like reverse cameras, unless hooking up to trailer, still usually look in mirror/head out window.. Even with a trailer. I do love heated seats though. But far too many switches and buttons.. took a few minutes to figure out how to kill messages on the DIC from the wheel. I guess I am pretty well happy with 90-08 models. Not too much bells and whistles and buttons on those models.. though I love the bright head lights & hud.
I spoke with a gentleman today who has had a falling out with his adult son. To the point of the cops being called, eviction papers served, etc. He called me seeking advice.

I could not offer any meaningful advice. My dad passed in 2006. My one thought was, that for everything I have, the house, land, shop, RV....everything, I would gladly give up tomorrow just to sit down and have just one more conversation with my dad. We never had a problem between us or an ill word, and damn, I miss him.

So, my random thought for the day...If your dad is still around, call or stop in and have a visit for me. Dads won't be here forever.

Very good reminder,

Thank you for that.
It should not require the removal of 28 screws to reverse the direction of how the dryer door opens.

Especially when that is one of the "features" they tout about the machine.
It should not require the removal of 28 screws to reverse the direction of how the dryer door opens.
It's easier to just flip the unit upside down. :D
Ours opens down to make a flat surface. Why would you want it to open upward? :p
No, dummy.
The key is to trick it out like a lambo door so it slides up and away.
Today was a bad day for my windshield wipers to crap out on me.
So i sent my ex-wife a birthday card, it said,

" I would unplug your life support to charge my cell phone"

Happy birthday you miserable old Bitch!