Random Thoughts.....

I'm pretty sure the only difference between Ellen Page and Elliot Page is a hat.

My wife and I were talking about this the other night and my question was this. Does that technically make them a straight couple now? Imagine spending your life being gay and fighting for gay rights and being married to a woman and then one day she decides that she identifies as a man... not hating, just a thought.
I'm pretty sure the only difference between Ellen Page and Elliot Page is a hat.

Isn't that kind of the point?
Fuck duke progress I’ve never had to deal with the stupid amount of dumb asses as I have had to for this job. I think they only hire the guys that pull on the door even though it says push in big letters right at eye level.

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Absolutely. Did a project for them a few years ago. Had 2 sets of gates going to a staging yard. Gates were 6x6 steel tube with 1/2" steel plate for the infill. Posts were 12x12x3/8 steel tube. The "drop rods" were 1" threaded and had to be run up and down woth a impact.
Absolutely. Did a project for them a few years ago. Had 2 sets of gates going to a staging yard. Gates were 6x6 steel tube with 1/2" steel plate for the infill. Posts were 12x12x3/8 steel tube. The "drop rods" were 1" threaded and had to be run up and down woth a impact.

As of yesterday I have turned in 9 request for power to be turned on three units, they showed up with one meter and didn’t understand why I was so freaking pissed off

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I will never buy anything other than 'premium' wrapping paper ever again.

This Frozen II stuff from Dollar General tears if I look at it wrong.

Things get brittle when they're frozen.
I will never buy anything other than 'premium' wrapping paper ever again.

This Frozen II stuff from Dollar General tears if I look at it wrong.
Generally things don't end up at the Dollar store because it is a winning product.
I love my parents, but I hate V-tech. Every year I have to hustle to remove the batteries before the kids figure out what stupid jingle the unnecessarily loud toy plays.

Google's been dropping Gerber Life ads on me.
You're slick, Google, but you're no match for a 9th degree master in unpredictability. Judi chawp.

*I ain't got no kids*
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I love my parents, but I hate V-tech. Every year I have to hustle to remove the batteries before the kids figure out what stupid jingle the unnecessarily loud toy plays.
Rule here ou s, any present given that involves batteries or no use can be sent to the givers hone to be played with there