Random Thoughts.....

That actually was one of my concerns. Obviously is a gamble, but for the price point, I think it’s one I’m willing to take. But the Current owner is using it to to grind his own cams for 2000hp set ups, so it does give some warm and fuzzies.

Like I mentioned above, our average custom grind is $300...figure $50 (high end) for a blank, $50/hr in labor (spec’ing the cam takes an hour) and an hour or two to grind. You’re in a cam for a max of $150. We go through 2-300 cams/year. Equipment and retrofit pays for itself in 6 months and/or allows us to cut out the 3rd party mark up and bring the product price point down to being competitive with a Comp/Lunati/etc and in theory increase sales volume for a custom product.

Sounds like your calcs disregard electric usage.
Repair and Maintenance

And your math is off. If it takes 2 hours to grind and 1 hour to spec thats 3 hours plus $50 for the blank your max is now $200.
$100 to cover profit, wear and tear, consumables...and acquisition recovery?

ROI is eleventy billion years

But its be cool to have so buy away
Sounds like your calcs disregard electric usage.
Repair and Maintenance

And your math is off. If it takes 2 hours to grind and 1 hour to spec thats 3 hours plus $50 for the blank your max is now $200.
$100 to cover profit, wear and tear, consumables...and acquisition recovery?

ROI is eleventy billion years

But its be cool to have so buy away

Those were top of the mark estimates...for the extreme scenarios. Which more than accounts for average time and usage and overheads. I coulda also said our top of the mark cams sell for $800-1000 to normalize the other variables. Just didn’t wanna bog down with details. But you’re right, the R&M is the big variable I can’t standardize yet with such old equipment. CapEx is a big part of what I do in my ‘real’ job...I’ve run dozens of different scenarios in my IRR/ROI/ROA models.
Politician FAIL!
4 of 5 busted, needs new hub and bearing. Glad I still do sidework......

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That awkward moment your business name might become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Walking in to determine if I have eyeball cancer in my left eye. Wish me luck.
Thanks man...turns out it’s a benign tumor...should be fine as long as it doesn’t grow and obstruct the optic nerve
Glad to hear youre ok! Cancer sucks.
Aerial lift certifications should last longer than 3 years... And def should not cost $200 friggin dollars when they charge ya $1k a week to rent the damn things...
Ever have a fart that follows you around the house?

Let one rip in the kitchen and then made my way to the bedroom where the wife kicked me out after a quick whiff.
If you walk around w/o any pants on, thats not a problem.
so the news says that the gov has "recovered" the "missing" 50k texts between the fbi douche and his pin cushion. just wonder why nobody has asked the obvious question. How the feck do you exchange 50,000 texts in 5 months and still get any work done? shouldn't we taxpayers be getting a refund of this douche nozzles paycheck?
so the news says that the gov has "recovered" the "missing" 50k texts between the fbi douche and his pin cushion. just wonder why nobody has asked the obvious question. How the feck do you exchange 50,000 texts in 5 months and still get any work done? shouldn't we taxpayers be getting a refund of this douche nozzles paycheck?
For real! My wife says I text too much, and I don't do 50k text in 2 or 3 years.
So spitball math. First, I'm surely this is a grossly overexaggerated number but lets roll with it.
50k texts, that's 25k from each unless its a chronically lopsided conversation. (which is very possible).
5 months, 5k per month, that's averaging ~166 per day, every day, no breaks. Or 10 per hour, or one every 6 minutes for every waking hour of every day for 5 months.

Or, if you assume its a fast back-and-forth consersation, lets say 45 seconds to type, send and have received each message. Doing 166 of those would require constant work at that rate for > 2 hrs total every single day.

I'm pretty sure this must be a made up number.
So spitball math. First, I'm surely this is a grossly overexaggerated number but lets roll with it.
50k texts, that's 25k from each unless its a chronically lopsided conversation. (which is very possible).
5 months, 5k per month, that's averaging ~166 per day, every day, no breaks. Or 10 per hour, or one every 6 minutes for every waking hour of every day for 5 months.

Or, if you assume its a fast back-and-forth consersation, lets say 45 seconds to type, send and have received each message. Doing 166 of those would require constant work at that rate for > 2 hrs total every single day.

I'm pretty sure this must be a made up number.
Has got to be...unless they had some kinky group thing going on.... o_O