Random Thoughts.....

Everything specified is 100% Performance based spec that 3 mfg CAN achieve. I absolutely CAN and DO base my schedules around a single product UNLESS I have to send it to DPI. If that's the case I still base on single model number but I have to LIST 3 mfg in that column (who can achieve the performance spec). I cannot, however, specify a single patented product that no other mfg are allowed to replicate with public money.
If your product cannot achieve the performance I have specified (state, local, federal tax dollars) but 3 mfg can, I can (and will) reject your product.
And to take it a step further, if the client DOES want a very specific MFG/model, I can make it an Add-alternate to achieve their desires.

I get that.
My point was sort of the other half of the coin.
In NC it doesnt matter if you have 3 or 23 named manufacturers. You can not EXCLUDE a manufacture based solely on brand. It has to be on a performance basis.

There is a case about to be brought in front of the NC Atny general that is about to get a whole bunch of publicity that is going to end up clarifying this very directly (Case doenst involve my company or anything in my industry. it does invovle one of our suppliers (who supplies to all my competitors as well) but its getting big and has big law and union behind it...looking to make a point.)

We just had to sit through a 12 hour regs class last week taught be a damn lawyer....snoooooorrrreeeeee
You can not EXCLUDE a manufacture based solely on brand. It has to be on a performance basis.

This....I know all too well.
Our co-founder (long since retired) HATED Carrier with a passion. Not sure if the the sales rep boinked his wife, or his home air handler was crap...or what...but NEVER allowed the product catalogs even on our shelves (back in the 90's there were these things called CATALOGS for you younguns, and sales reps would come in monthly to "update" them, and take us to lunch, drop off tickets to sporting events...etc.) and the sales rep knew not to even call on us.
Well, they were submitted on a job despite him doing everything he could to prevent their product from qualifying.
Anyway...they pitched a massive bitch fit and caused such a stink we had no choice but to accept them on this job. Ironically, their unit was plagued with issues from day 1 and finally the sub had to replace the unit before the warranty even expired.
Because of that stink I learned early on in my career about exclusion and public money.

Come to think of it....to this day we haven't had a rep mention Carrier, or any contractor even submit it o_O
I miss catalogs. They gave you a good reason to stop in and see engineers.
"I need to come by and update out cuts"

Now it "ahh uhhh yeah Im going to stop by and discuss this project I looked at..."
If it makes y'all feel any better I bid a WCPSS school yesterday that came in 1.7m UNDER budget. (EDIT: we do have six packages rebidding next week.. six out of 44 isn't bad)
Got another WCPSS school bidding in June, a Chapel Hill school bidding in July and a Hendersonville school bidding in May
My random thought. If you live in a country where you can be arrested for fishing without a license..........But not for entering that country illegally. Its safe to say that country is run by idiots.

17 years ago, I got ticketed by the game warden for a single teeny-tiny crappie (~2") that was in a bucket of shad literally 1 minute after he saw me empty my throw net in the bucket, and toss the net out again. :rolleyes: "Illegal method of game fishing," and "game fish under legal limit." There were probably a dozen or so decent sized shad in this net, and I wanted to maximize my catch out of that school before culling out the "illegals." Hah...I just made a punny off of your post.
We got one of the jobs, now here’s the kicker these were informal bids so under 1/2 mil. Our bid was over by 50,000 but project has to start before may 1st or they will loose funding for their 15 mil new building...... can’t wait to see what they throw at me on monday

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It has to be a genetic thing. The same desire to be an architect, HAS to be accompanied by the desire to be a complete and total know-it-all twatwaffle dickhead to the extreme. (The exceptions being: Cyd and Bill Brake...ironically both went to Va Tech)
It has to be a genetic thing. The same desire to be an architect, HAS to be accompanied by the desire to be a complete and total know-it-all twatwaffle dickhead to the extreme. (The exceptions being: Cyd and Bill Brake...ironically both went to Va Tech)
oh you mean like @shawn
oh you mean like @shawn
:rolleyes: what good is to to sit down in a comfy camp chair at the edge of the water in the shade with a case of beer and a pole when some asshole comes up next to you and chucks a stick of dynamite in the water o_O

What blows my mind is most architects work off a fee of project cost but owners look to them to save the owner money, and bitch at the contractor for wanting so much money. I’ve never seen an architect not spec the most expensive products they could find.

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As of late....I can attest without a doubt I have no capacity to do some of you fellas jobs.
As of late....I can attest without a doubt I have no capacity to do some of you fellas jobs.
On the other hand, there's a boatload of people here that couldn't do yours!
On the other hand, there's a boatload of people here that couldn't do yours!
We all have our strengths. I darn sure know my weekness. Some of the stuff you guys deal with would have me in fits.
We all have our strengths.
I wish i had your skill-set

If I win the lottery, I'd pay you enough to feel comfortable teaching me to weld decently

I'd also buy a massive excavator and dig big holes

Welding, and digging holes.....not what you'd expect someone who won hundreds of millions to say when asked "what would you do with your winnings?"
I wish i had your skill-set

If I win the lottery, I'd pay you enough to feel comfortable teaching me to weld decently

I'd also buy a massive excavator and dig big holes

Welding, and digging holes.....not what you'd expect someone who won hundreds of millions to say when asked "what would you do with your winnings?"
All that would do is encourage other people to start doing their own digging to find the big stash you put in a big metal box you made and then buried in a hole you dug
I guess everyone would think Im super racist from previous and this comment, but I dont get the whole 'african american' thing. I asked 10 of my black friends to name 3 countries in Africa, and they simply cocked their head funny when I told them that africa is a continent, not a country... I know ONE man thats african american. he came to the US on a visa from Kenya, and says the same thing I do. so whats up with that?
I cant click 'european american' on anything. hell- Im from Shelby, NC, USA.
I knew a family from South Africa. I called them African Americans. They were white. They were not impressed.

I worked with a guy from Brazil, he called himself a japanigger. He was half Japanese and half black, when I told him he couldn’t say the “n” word he laughed and didn’t understand why black people were offended when you called them the color they were. I sware The us is the only ones that run around and bitch about the color of people and what color you call them

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yeah, when I have 'candid' conversations with my black friends they really dont care what you call them as long as its not in a derragatory connotation.

hey you damn nigger! vs my nigga is two totally different things; such as 'you damn cracker-ass white bread honky' vs 'you crackas is cray-cray'

but since everybody is butt hurt all the time, for instance I just say Hi Nathan and he just hangs his head and says Hi Chuck and we go on with a non colorful conversation without any 'soul' because someone that might perchance overhears us 'might' get offended...

folks simply cant get over the fact that there are both respectable and shitty people of ANY color / nationality or creed. except liberals. fuck liberals...