Rant... Highpoint Dog Attack

Literally had a pigeon served to me that had barely been seered. Japanese you can get served live squid/octopus...whichever, it's gross. And given the cultures...you have to eat this mess.

The best was raw kangaroo served on the side of a hot granite stone, you cook it to your own liking. The best Chinese was in Australia too, however I found the women a bit snobby.. (Didn't get lucky there :)
I'm no dog behavior expert but have had alot of run ins w angry, protective, territory guarding dogs large and small as part of my jobs over 25+ yrs. In my experience, almost always the most ferocious, menacing seemingly going to attack/bite as they approach dogs will not bite if you stand still and let them approach, smell you, check you out and calm down, keep you hands away from the dog holding them up to your chest before it get's near you. Never run or move quickly if you can't get away or get to safety before the dog is on you, they will almost always bite you then. If they remain agitated, stand still for a while until they move away a bit and SLOWLY back away from them, but don't turn your back on them, especially smaller dogs, they seem to always bite if you turn your back on them even if they seem to have calmed down. This procedure may have to be repeated a few times until the dog finally leaves you alone or no longer considers you a threat. I'm afraid alot of children are bitten because they are naturally scared and run from strange or angry, barking dogs that run towards them. Telling kids this tip may help them avoid being bit. In close quarters, inside a home, or when the dog is chained or confined to a small pen all bets are off on any person around a dog that doesn't know the person near them and children and dogs must be watched carefully, often a dogs nervous/anxious behavior can be seen and if so the child/adult and dog should be separated immediately, before something bad happens.
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