Rambling observation...So my credit reporting thing I use through Experian has been going off constantly with alerts for a couple days now. Up 3 points, down 9 points, up 5 points, down 7 points, etc etc...so I'm down a net of 15 points on my credit score. Not a big deal, new line of credit, credit checks, etc...I understand those things usually negatively impact scores. My new loan 'hit' these reports on the 15th, which is when these alerts first started happening. I assumed someone was trying to steal my identity or something, but the only activity is the new mortgage. Usually, I only get pinged quarterly...congrats, your credit score improved. I guess a bank checking to see if I was a worthy candidate to loan money to, I would have expected a more linear credit impact calculation...bank checked your credit, that'll cost 15 points.