Ok, just got all the paperwork this morning.
Stated rate is 2.5%, APR over life of the loan is 2.52% on a 30yr fixed refinance.
$1950 in Closing costs, $3000 for Insurance/Taxes/Escrow, and $500 in prepaid interest that I will try to negotiate out, but will probably be unsuccessful. Minus $1250 in lender credits. So basically $2500 in fees, and $1250 credit. Approximately $1250 in actual costs and $4250 total out of pocket including costs and prepay on taxes/insurance (but a good bit of that will be credited back from my current loan Escrow account).
This is through Agora Lending (One American Bank):
Today's Mortgage Rates
I'll probably just let them handle the "Services You Can Shop For" since I don't think I can save much, but if anyone sees anything that seems way too high, let me know. Working on getting an appraisal waiver since I just went through this at the beginning of the year and have a fairly recent appraisal, but haven't heard back on that yet.
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