For you guys hating on people buying a $130k package truck...
... so what? Is this really just jealousy that somebody else has that kind of disposable income?
I really don't see what the big deal is. If they've got the cash to spend, unless they are somehow doing it on my dollar then I don't see how/why I should care, and more power to 'em. There are people out there who have busted their asses in some way or other and have a lot of disposable income. Good for them. If their time is worth more to them than the effort of building it themselves, and they wanna write a check to somebody else to do it... fine by me. People have different priorities in life. some people don't wanna spend the time and effort to scrounge up parts and mix and match things and do their own engineering, they're rather spend that time doing something else (and that something else might be the way they pay for the truck!
And meanwhile, they are spending money that is giving jobs to other folks, giving some fabricators work to do, and helping spread their business around. Good for them!
It's not how
I would spend $130k right now, but I'm not sitting on a pile of cash. Honestly if I were, I'd seriously consider it.